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(Lena's POV)

Groggy, my eyes open revealing six gigantic yellow lights glaring down towards my body. I shield my eyes to block them from their bright rays. I felt an unusual warmth flowing from my head to my toes, making me smile just a tad. Baking in the artificial sun, I slowly closed my eyes, enjoying every minute of it, but was interrupted by a voice, my voice trying to get my attention.

"Lena are you awake? Do you need me to get you something?" Turning over, I saw my own body, dressed in a green top and black sweats. As I saw myself I gasped, my breaths becoming quicker and panicky. I looked down at myself to see the crest standing for the great House of El surrounded by blue and finished with a red skirt and red boots. Finally remembering the unscientifically explainable events that occurred yesterday, I calmed down. Glancing up towards Kara, I found her next to my bed, gripping my hand. I wasn't even aware that she was next to me, let alone comfily wrapping her fingers around mine, making me feel safe. Even under the weird circumstance, us together like this, holding hands, it felt perfect. She began to step away, leaving my hand extending in an attempt to remain in contact as long as possible before eventually falling next to my body. 

"How do you feel Lena?"

Trying to get a handle of myself, stuck in a fantasy I answered. "Warm."

"That is how the earth's yellow sun makes me, or made me feel. Do you like it? It is one of my favorite parts about this planet."

'It is a physical recreation of how I feel when I am near you Kara, warm and full of life, enjoying every minute of it.', I thought. Revising my thoughts to hide my feelings, "It feels great Kara."

"I'm so sorry about the kryptonite, I should have warned you.", she said, face covered in guilt and overall sadness. "Do you still feel the effects of it in your system? The yellow sun lights should have helped with that."

"I'm okay Kara, I feel perfectly fine. Absolutely alright." Physically yes I was okay but internally, I was miserable pretending that I am not in love with the perfect not so human being known as Kara Danvers, and now I am her. My mind is a frantic mess as I question her. "Did you sleep here for me?"

"I couldn't just leave you alone. I wanted you to have someone you know here for you when you wake up." She smiled brightly, her inner Kara shining through my cold Lena exterior. 

"You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to Lena." My heart melted as the words fell out of her mouth. Did she want me like I want her? Not trying to jump ahead of myself, I smiled. Finally opening myself up to her, I opened my arms in an attempt to invite her into a hug. Being Kara, she ran up to me, throwing herself into my arms and chest. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment.

Sorry this is really short but I felt like this was a good place to stop the chapter since it was just supposed to reveal how Lena really feels about Kara. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope I can get the next one written and published soon. Advice or plot ideas are welcome as always. Thank you guys for reading!

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