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"Miss Luthor, is everything alright?", asked one of her employees, concerned from the dropped glass.

"Umm... y..yes everything is fine.", I lied, still trying to make out what is going on. "Wait.. does this mean Lena is me? Oh my Rao she is going to find out!", I thought to myself. the thought of her having my powers terrifies me, not because of what she can do with them, but because of how scary they are to have to learn how to use. Panicked, I pick up Lena's, well I guess now my phone and call Kara. No response. 

(Lena's POV)

The alarm clock goes off, so I hit it to turn it off but it shatters into a million pieces. I open my eyes and am immediately confused. "Why am I in Kara's loft?", I thought. I sit up and feel very different. I feel stronger and more powerful. Suddenly, I hear a phone ring but the sound is so loud it pierces my ears, forcing me to cover them crying out for it to stop. I attempt to grab the phone to answer it, but once I pick it up, I crumbled it within my own hands. I jump up and run over to the mirror to see Kara's reflection looking straight back at me. Oh my god, I am Kara. 

Realizing I don't have glasses on I get confused because I can see clearly, but Kara needs glasses. I think of the phone and the alarm clock shattering with the squeeze of my hand. This time, I go back to the mirror and undo my pulled up hair to reveal what it looks like down. The realization hits me. Kara is Supergirl. I am Supergirl.

Hearing a knock at the door, I answer it only to find my body possessed by Kara standing there, just as confused as I am. 

"What is going on!", I screamed at a figure of myself. "How is this possible? This isn't scientifically possible?"

"I'm Supergirl.", Kara said, trying to announce it before anything gets worse.

"Yeah, I figured. You're about ten minutes too late.", I snarked back. "Why did you keep this secret from me?"

"To protect you Lena. Anyone who knows is in danger. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

"Well, we have bigger problems then some lies. We can discuss that later. Now we have to figure out how in the hell this happened and how to get our lives back."

Immediately after saying that, all of these sounds came rushing into my ears. Things no one should be able to hear. Each drop of water from a sink across the city. Each crinkle in a plastic bag miles away. Every conversation in every house, honking of cars, sirens, and heartbeats. I fell to the floor once more, covering my ears. My eyes started focusing in on molecules that only a microscope should be able to see. My eyes then began to see through the walls, see everything miles away from here. I screamed, "Make it stop! Make it stop!" Kara ran over to the dresser to grab her glasses and put them on my face.

"Here, these should make the x-ray vision go away. My dad made them for me when I was younger to make the adjustment easier. It can be overwhelming to have all of these powers, especially gaining them all at once, just as I did when I first arrived on earth. You just have to focus. I believe in you Lena. Just try to calm down."

I took her advice and focused on her voice and only her voice. The sounds drowned out and eventually went away. "Thank you.", I gratefully said to Kara.

"Things will get worse, so you need to start learning how to manage all of your powers for until we can find a way to switch back."

I nodded in agreement. 

"Why don't you try your heat vision.", Kara said fearfully. You could tell she felt exposed, fragile without her powers, without her bulletproof skin. 

"All you have to do is focus really hard with your eyes and will it to happen. Make sure you cover your face with your hands so you don't destroy my loft."

I pulled my hands up, inches away from my eyes. Looking into my palms, I blasted them with lasers from my eyes. Surprisingly, I didn't feel a thing. I looked away happily that I had done it right and willing it to stop, but it didn't. The beams continued surging out of my eyes as I looked in Kara's direction. The laser hit her hand as she winced in pain, finally making the heat vision go away. My heart dropped.

"Oh my god Kara I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

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