1. Introducing Monoma

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"(Y/n), don't you think he's kinda cute?" Mina said as a boy from class 1-B walked by.

"Huh? Oh, he's a bit plain looking. Anyway, I gotta get going, Hatsume promised to fix my hero costume during lunch." (Y/n) spoke as she looked down at her buzzing phone. Seeing as it was a text from Hatsume, she quickly typed her response before waving goodbye at Mina and walking away.

"Are you still trying to hook her up with someone?" Mina sighed as she noticed Jirou walking up behind her.

"Not just someone, Jirou! Have you noticed Monoma from class B has been looking in her direction lately? I think he's got a crush on her!" The pink-haired girl spun in a circle as she spoke.

"Are you insane Mina? Even if he does like (Y/n) what matters is whether or not she likes him." Jirou groaned as she scowled at her friend.

"Don't worry she'll definitely fall for him eventually! Even if he does treat the rest of us badly." The pinkette giggled to herself as she thought about her best friend obtaining a boyfriend.

"Okay, so you admit you're insane?" Jirou stared in shock at the girl's actions.

"Jirou! Don't be mean! We just need to give the both of them a little push, starting with Monoma!" Mina grabbed Jirou's hand and pulled her in the direction she saw Monoma heading. They followed closely behind him as he got his lunch and sat down. The girls sat down next to him, sandwiching him in between them.

"What are you class A losers doing here? I'm gonna be sick if I have to eat while looking at your faces!" He laughed to himself as he spoke, causing the girls to give each other a look saying 'should we really set our friend up with him'. However, Mina shook off her doubts, cupped her hands around her mouth, and whispered in the boy's ear.

"We heard through the grapevine that you have a crush on our little (Y/n). Is it true?" Before the girl could retract herself Monoma jumped from his seat, resulting in Mina falling over onto Jirou.

"Kendo said she wouldn't tell anybody!" Monoma yelled as the entire lunchroom looked over at him. He noticed the stares and immediately sat back down in his seat.

"Kendo wasn't the one who told us, you did," Jirou said, trying to hold in a chuckle while taking a bite of her rice.

"You're blushing! It's okay Monoma, we can help you get with her!" Monoma's ears grew a brighter red with every syllable coming out of Mina's mouth.

"I don't need help from two class A nobody's!" He exclaimed as he grabbed his tray to walk away.

"Sure you don't, but as her best friends we could totally put in a good word for you, maybe even make it to where she thinks about you without even trying," Mina said confidently as she flicked a piece of rice at his forehead. The boy blushed once again as he glared at her, although it was a bit out of character his crush on (Y/n) made him stay and listen to her.

"Go on." He crossed his arms and looked away from the two girls. His response caused Mina to scream happily earning a few more looks from different students.

"Don't worry I have a plan. I just needed to make sure you were on board before I initiated it." Mina's words frighted him a bit, however, he'd gone the whole school year without (Y/n) acknowledging his existence, and desperately wanted her to, at least, know his name.

"Okay, I'm in."

"Great I'll just need your phone number!" With sparkles in her eyes, Mina stretched her phone out to Monoma which he quickly denied.

"I don't want your phone number! To be clear I don't like any of you class A scum! (Y/n) is the only exception." He whispered the last part while looking away, but it didn't go unnoticed by Jirou.

"Idiot! We need your phone number to give you updates on the situation! Plus if (Y/n) asks me for it I'll be able to give it to her!" She yelled. Understanding the reasoning behind her idea he reluctantly gave the girl his phone number. She jumped out of her seat, grabbed Jirou by the arm, and ran out of the cafeteria.

"We'll update you as soon as we can." She waved before Monoma was out of sight. The two girls discussed their plan to get the pair together as they made their way to the development studio.

Upon arriving they noticed (Y/n) walking out after thanking Hatsume. As the door closed in front of her Mina ran up and tackled (Y/n) into a hug.

"(Y/n) just the girl I was looking for!" She yelled, her arms around (Y/n)'s neck.

"Mina get off! I appreciate the affection but you're gonna make us fall!" Mina laughed but did as she was told. Jirou caught up to the two as they made their way back to the classroom.

"Why'd you guys come to get me anyway?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"We were asking everyone in our class this question and wanted to know your response right away, so we came!" Mina quickly thought up a lie, thankfully with (Y/n)'s personality, she didn't pick up on it.

"Oh, makes sense!" (Y/n) replied as Mina linked arms with the two girls, putting herself in the middle.

"Yeah, well, if you had to choose anyone from class B to work as partners who would you choose?" Mina and Jirou stared at the girl as they waited for an answer.

"I'd probably pick that plain-looking dude, you know, the blond. His quirk would be fun to work with! I tried joining his team during the sports festival, but whenever I got close he'd run away." (Y/n) had always wondered why he acted that way at the sports festival. He was so confident when speaking to the rest of her class, but seemed to disappear whenever she was around.

"Guess he's had a crush on her since then, huh?" Jirou whispered in Mina's ear, making sure the girl on the other side of them couldn't hear.

"Yeah, that's Neito Monoma! What do you think about him?" Mina pulled (Y/n) out of her thoughts.

"Him? Like personally?" The girls nodded their heads, looking at her expectantly, "he seems...sweet."

"You think he's sweet? After how he's treated our class?" Jirou questioned.

"He hates us for a reason, right? I mean he cares a lot about his classmates and that's why he hates us, so I think that's sweet, but why are you guys asking about him anyway?" (Y/n) had a puzzled look on her face as she stared at the girls.

"We didn't bring him up, I asked about class B, you were the one who started talking about Monoma," Mina responded, as they made it to their classroom.

"Hm, I guess you're right..." she trailed off as she opened the door to the classroom.

"We got her!" Mina fist-bumped Jirou as she happily whisper-screamed. The girls sat at their assigned seats and got ready for class to begin. All the while a certain blond boy became stuck in (Y/n)'s head.


Hey, guys aren't you happy to see me?? :D I've decided to write this story because I'm such a simp for him😭 Also please recommend me good Monoma fics I love reading them!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Feedback is always welcomed!

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