2. Tutoring The Blond

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(Y/n) carefully wrote down notes, highlighting important details, making them easier to read and remember when she studied them later. When class ended, she admired them for a final moment before placing her belongings into her bag and standing up, as she did so a certain pinkette made her way up to the girl's desk.

"Hey, Mina what's up?" (Y/n) asked before throwing her pencil into the deep corners of her bag.

"Don't you think Monoma looks smart (Y/n)?" Mina said, trying to impress the girl. She planned to impress the girl by telling her random facts about Monoma, in hope that something would intrigue her, but it backfired.

"Smart? Didn't he fail the written exam like you did Mina?" Jirou stifled a laugh from hearing the conversation, causing the pinkette to look back and glare at her.

"Umm- I mean yeah but-" she tried to save herself.

"Oh are you trying to hint at me to tutor him? Give me his number I'll text him about it to set up a day. I don't mind helping him." (Y/n) was able to save Mina from her stupidity, without noticing her own. Mina became thankful for how dense the girl was and shot her a smile.

"Okay here!" Mina grabbed her phone and recited the number to (Y/n), who typed it into her phone. After typing in the boy's phone number she quickly sent him a text to alert him of who she was.

Hey it's (Y/n) (L/n)

Neito Monoma:
Kendo did Tetsutetsu put you up to this?! Don't mess with me!

Mess with you?
Mina just told me you needed help in studying and gave me your number, do you not need any help?

Neito Monoma:
Wait, so you're really (Y/n)?

Yes...did you need help or...?

Neito Monoma:
Wait, hold on, I mean, I do

Ok... I can help you today if you meet me at the front of the school building

Neito Monoma:
I'll see you there soon

(Y/n) smiled as she turned off her phone, happy she could help a fellow student with their studies. However, to the other kids in her class, her smile looked as though she had just texted a lover. They all jumped at the chance to ask who had finally stolen the girl's heart but she quickly explained her situation to avoid any misunderstandings, making her classmates uninterested.

At the end of the school day (Y/n) kept her promise and walked to the front of the building. She was the first of the two to arrive and opted to play games on her phone to pass the time. Nearly ten minutes had passed before Monoma arrived, tapping her shoulder to let her know he was there.

(Y/n) quickly turned her head for a second to see who it was, "I'm sorry, give me a moment, I need to beat this boss," she spoke as formally as she could. Her fingers pressed around her phone screen for another 30 seconds before 'Challenge Completed' appeared. The girl threw her arms up in the air and screamed in joy. Remembering that the boy was behind her she quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, it took me a week to grind for that boss and I finally beat it. I guess you're my lucky charm since I finally beat it when you got here." (Y/n) smiled, causing the boy to slightly blush and look away. Concerned about the red hue appearing on his face she attempted to get closer to Monoma, only to cause the red to worsen. "Did I say something wrong? Are you okay? Your face is red."

"I'm fine! Let's just get going!" He said while covering his face with his hand. (Y/n) simply nodded and started walking back to her dorm. She figured it would be more comfortable if they studied in her room and was currently leading the boy there. He noticed the direction they were going in and decided to speak up before they got too close.

"Where are we going?"

"Huh? To my dorm? I thought it would be more comfortable that way, are you bothered by it?" She asked innocently.

"No, not at all!" He said as she picked up the pace.


They were able to arrive at her dorm without being seen by the other inhabitants. She quickly opened the door and invited him in, setting up her materials on the table placed in the middle of her room.

Monoma walked around for a second, noticing how she placed her decorations, furniture, and books. It seemed so much like her. (Y/n) noticed his behavior and motioned him to sit. Not being able to say no to the girl, Monoma did exactly as he was told.

"Okay, Monoma let's begin! What subject are you having trouble in?"

"Before we start, why are you speaking so formally to me? Whenever you're with your friends you act so carefree." He stared at her patiently as she froze from his question. It startled her to think he'd seen her around enough to notice she wasn't acting like herself.

"Are you saying we're friends?" She giggled.

"No I don't mean it like that, but just loosen up." He wanted to see the real her that would joke and jump around with her friends.

"As you wish," Monoma sighed at her response but went along with it. For the next two hours (Y/n) helped him in whatever subjects he needed. She'd show him notes, tips to remember, or anything she found useful. By the time they finished studying she became more comfortable around him, her formal facade withering away. They walked to the front of her dorm house together and said their goodbyes before parting ways.


Monoma may be an idiot but (Y/n) is clueless. I'm a bit bad at writing different personalities so I hope I didn't write Monoma too out of character!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Feedback is always welcomed!

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