Chapter 3: "Ohio will keep you running"

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After 27 days of walking the group was finally in Ohio

"About time" Alex exclaimed "So now what"
"Arizona had Craterview and Cliffguard so maybe we look for the main settlement here" Thomas replied

There would be a light in the distance
"Looks far" Arthur "Shortcut?"
"Only option" Alex answered
"You're not wrong" Thomas added in
"Alright" Aiden agreed

"There's a mall right there looks like a good shortcut" Alex said.
"beats walking down the street" Arthur added.

Alex opened the door to the mall as he clicked on his flashlight looking around

"Smells like someone died in here" Alex said holding his nose 
"No shit" Arthur replied as he and the rest of the group dropped they're bags onto the ground to look around
"Language" Thomas annoyingly said
"Thomas, grow a pair and shut up" Arthur said to Thomas

Aiden had been walking around while the group fought

Aiden lifted up a metal closed door on one of the stores seeing something
"HOLY SHIT THIS IS A MUTANT NEST" Aiden Screamed as the mutants he saw started sprinting at the group

Alex had started running right after he heard the word mutant

The rest of the group had to catch up if they were gonna survive this encounter

The group had now started running

"SHIT OUR BAGS" Thomas shouted
"FUCK THE BAGS" Arthur shouted back

The group had turned right The mutants followed

The group was now caught up with Alex
"DOOR" Alex shouted
Aiden crashed through the door with his shoulder
As the group was inside and locked the door a mutant crashed through the window and grabbed Thomas. Thomas held it at bay but if someone didn't do something he would die. 
Aiden grabbed a nearby pipe and slammed it into the mutants skull repeatedly until its entire head looked like soup.
 Alex had to pull back Aiden from the mutant for him to stop just as he done that more mutants appeared too many to take on

"And here we go running again" Arthur said sarcastically

The group busted through another door into a room without windows and slammed it closed
"Holy shit" Alex said while panting

Shotgun pump

"Fuck me" Aiden said
Aiden had zoned out he assumed Thomas said something dumb because the second he zoned back in the stranger with the shotgun had blasted Thomas's Knee

"HOLY SHIT!" Arthur screamed as he recoiled back

Thomas couldn't stop screaming

"Anyone else want to be a Smart ass?" The stranger said as he waved around his shotgun as he walked towards Alex

Alex had a plan Aiden could tell by his face

As the man walked over to Alex with his shotgun aimed at him Alex had swept his leg out from under the man the shotgun fired and hit the roof

Aiden ran over pulling his knife out of his pocket and stabbed the man in the heart and then the throat

"Okay, No more shortcuts" Aiden said

"Think Tommy boy over there Agrees" Alex added
"Arthur grab tommy"

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