Chapter 6

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"How the actual fuck does this thing work?" questioned Misty as she stared at the shower head and faucet of the bath tub.

The teenage mother had planned to bathe her kids and put them to bed but when she entered the bathroom she was immediately overwhelmed by the sleek white tiles and giant glass shower. The Isle's showering options were limited to the ocean surrounding them and a few rusted tubs. If Misty was being honest with herself, she was slightly intimated by the sheer size of the tub in her bathroom.

Twyla and Jackson simply stared at their mother in response to her questioning. It wasn't as if Misty expected an answer from her infant children, but she could definitely do without the suspiciously judging look the two were giving her.

"I guess Mommy is just gonna have to go ask someone now isn't she? Oh yes she is, yes she is cuz you two smell. Yes you do!" Misty cooed at the twins as she lifted them from their seats on the plush bathroom floor mat and cuddled them to her bosom.

The white haired girl walked to the front door of her room and swung the door open to find the one and only Harry Hook standing outside her door.

    "Ello love." Harry smiled nervously.

    Misty stared at the son of Hook. The last time the two had seen each other was over a year ago and their parting of ways was anything but pleasant.

"Ah! Ah!" Twyla squealed, interrupting the two teenagers staring.

Harry's attention was immediately captured by the child and her twin brother. He studied the two in silent awe and heartbreak.

"Can I help you Hook?" Misty asked.

            "God, she looks just like me Ma." Harry laughed with tears in his eyes.

"I don't know what you're prattling on about, but I need to give my kids a bath and get to bed. So if you could fuck off, maybe even fall into a black hole, that would be great." Misty said as she shifted Twyla and Jackson uncomfortably. She had not been expecting the blue eyed pirate to show up at her door and was hoping he would leave her alone.

"Don't be like that Misty. Ye know exactly what I'm talkin' about. The wee lass has my eyes and raven hair. And the boy looks just like his father. How could ye keep something like this from us?" Harry questioned.

"Why don't you go back to fucking your Captain and leave me and mine alone?" Misty snarled as her eyes flashed white. Sensing his mother's distress, Jackson behaving to squirm in her arms while Twyla began to wail.

As Misty began to soothe the twins Harry made his way closer to the woman he once called his and the children he knew belonged to him.

"Hush my love. Mama is here, all is well little dove." Misty cooed as she lightly bounced Twyla and struggled to keep Jackson from falling from her arms as he squirmed.

"Let me help ye." Harry pleaded as he stepped into Misty's bedroom fully and outstretched his arms.

"I don't need your help and you're not touching my children." sneered Misty.

"Lass, please." Harry begged.

Twyla wailed louder and Jackson began to cry at the sound. The twins wailed and squirmed until finally Misty had no choice but to hand Harry little Twyla.

"Oh hello love. Why the tears sweet one? Your mama be just fine little darlin', and look yer brother is right there." Harry cooed to Twyla as he clutched the baby to his chest and bounced her lightly.

Twyla began to calm down as she listened to the Scottish pirate and her cries quieted into little hiccups. Jackson had calmed in the arms of his mother as his twin's cries quieted and was snuggled into her.

Everything was quiet for a while before Harry broke the peace with a question.

"How old are they?"

"They're seven months." Misty sighed.

"Seven months? Does...Does that mean ye knew ye were pregnant when we...?" Harry stuttered.

"When Jay abandoned us and you fucked my supposed best friend? No, I didn't know. Was too early." Misty answered.

  "Misty I-"

"I need help working the bath. Either you can help me or I'll find one of those pretty princesses to."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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