Chapter 1: Courting the King

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A/N: in this au I know that when they went to the training camp Kuroo didn't actually help Kageyama train, I just did it that way because that's how they got to know each other and also the first years are best friends. Also it won't be going off if the shows timeline please enjoy the story.


When their coach told them that Karasuno was coming to join their training camp, Kuroo never thought he would fall in love with the blue eyed setter. Kuroo watched the crow training by himself. Kuroo has heard the rumours of Kageyama being the king of the court but Kuroo didn't believe it because the kid he was looking at right now didn't give off Kingly vibes but vibes that said hey please protect me. Don't get Kuroo wrong he has seen Kageyama on the court before and man was he amazed at how skilled he was, everyone focused on Karasuno's number ten as he was just full of tricks but to Kuroo, Kageyama was the real magician as he was the reason why their tricks were working and he was able to keep up with Hinata like no other. Kuroo hadn't noticed that Kageyama had stopped his practice and was staring at him. "Kuroo?" Kageyama questioned. Snapping Kuroo out of his thoughts. Kuroo sheepishly smiled. "Little manger, you seemed tired, did you want me to take over for you?" Kuroo asked, noticing the blonde manger seemed to be swaying. "No! I'm ok," the blonde manger said, with a forced smile. Kageyama chuckled and it sounded like little bells that made Kuroo's heart do a flip. "Who are you trying to fool?" Kageyama said, going over to the blonde manger and patting her head affectionately. Kuroo felt a little jealous, he wanted to be the one getting pats on his head but they barely knew each other so he would have to wait. "But Kags I want to help," the blonde manger said, with a pout. "You've helped enough, Toks, go get some rest," Kageyama gave Yachi a small smile before the girl finally gave in and nodded and left. "You have a cute smile, you should do it more often," Kuroo said, as he picked up a ball. "Shut up," Kageyama said, with a visible blush on his face. Kuroo chuckled at how cute Kageyama truly was. Kageyama went back to his position. Kuroo threw the ball to Kageyama, Kageyama set the ball to one of the bottles. This went on for another two hours before Kuroo decided that Kageyama had started to overwork himself. "Come on, Kageyama, that's enough," Kuroo said, as he started to pack away. "Not yet, I'm almost there. I can feel it," Kageyama said, with desperation. "Kageyama, if you keep this up you are either going to be so tired tomorrow that you're not in top shape or you're going to get injured," Kuroo said, with concern. Kageyama looked at Kuroo with such sad eyes but Kuroo didn't budge, no way in hell was he going to let Kageyama overwork himself, Kageyama finally sighed and started to help pack up. As soon as they exited they were hit with a cold breeze. On the corner of his eye he saw Kageyama shiver. "Are you cold?" Kuroo asked, with his eyebrow raised. "Yeah, I left my jacket back in our room," Kageyama said, rubbing his arms to keep warm. Kuroo had taken off his jacket and silently placed it over Kageyama's shoulders. Kuroo knew if he asked that blue eyed setter if he wanted the jacket he would reject it. As predicted Kageyama was about to speak but Kuroo placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from speaking. "It's fine, you were the one moving around and sweating. It wouldn't be good for your body if you cool off like this. You might get sick. Me on the other hand was just throwing balls to you, I didn't even break a sweat" Kuroo said, with a small smile. Kageyama nodded in understanding.

Kageyama was tall but Kuroo was taller so the jacket didn't fit him well. The sleeves were hanging off his hands and the bottom of the jacket went up to his mid thigh. Kageyama had a scarlet blush that decorated his face which made him look so cute that Kuroo thought he was going to die then and there. Kuroo had walked Kageyama back to his dorms despite Kageyama's protests. "Goodnight" Kuroo said with a sweet smile. "Goodnight and thank you for dropping me back," Kageyama said, fiddling. Kuroo guessed that Kageyama wasn't used to this much attention from someone. "No, problem" Kuroo said, ruffling Kageyama's hair. Kageyama blushed. Kuroo smirked and then turned around to leave. Kuroo made his way back to his room with a smile on his face. "What's with that stupid grin?" Kenma asked when Kuroo entered the room. "Nothing," Kuroo said as settled down on his futon. "That is more suspicious," Yaku said, raising his eyebrow. "Shut up and go to sleep you two, don't make me take away your PSP Kenma," Kuroo said, as he started to settle in. Even though Kuroo wasn't facing Kenma he knew that Kenma was pouting at him. The next morning Nekoma we're eating their breakfast when Kuroo noticed the Karasuno first years approached him. "Thank you for letting me use this," Kageyama said, with a light blush on his face, handing Kuroo's jacket to him. "No problem, but am I that scary that you needed to bring four people with you," Kuroo said, faking his sadness. Kuroo wanted to see Kageyama all flustered. "No, no, not at all" Kageyama did exactly what Kuroo expected and it made Kuroo smile. "Kuroo, stop teasing him," Kenma said, glancing up from his game. That surprised Kuroo, usually Kenma wouldn't care what was going on. "But Ken Ken, it's cute when Kageyama is flustered," Kuroo said, pouting at Kenma. "W-what" Kageyama stuttered with a deeper red blush on his face. "Hehehe, Kags here, is actually really shy when it comes to talking with people," Hinata said with a big grin. "Yeah, Kags would prefer to talk with you one on one but he didn't want you to freeze so he asked us to come with him," Tsukki's best friend, if Kuroo remembered correctly the name was Yamaguchi, said with a sweet smile. "Yams, Sho!" Kageyama yelled, if possible, went redder than before. "The two boys just laughed in response. "Actually I came to say thank you for making Kags finish his training early. Usually he'll stay up until midnight no matter what the captain says," the blonde manager said, grateful. Kuroo frowned at that, a week has already passed that means he has been doing that for at least seven days. "We're going to go before Kags dies from a heartache or something" Tsukki announced. Turning around about to leave with the rest. "Wait, little manager," Kuroo said, grabbing her wrist. Kuroo could feel hostility coming his way. Kuroo looked at her companions and could see all three were throwing daggers at Kuroo. "I'm not interested in her whatsoever," Kuroo said, quickly letting go of her wrist. "I'm sorry about them, they're quite overprotective and the name is Yachi" Yachi said sheepishly. "Right...Yachi....." Kuroo slightly glanced at the rest of the three looking a lot more calm. Yachi saw this and smiled. "Guys just go over there, please," Yachi said with puppy dog eyes. The three boys sighed and walked to a space where they could see them but not hear them. "Ok, so" Yachi said, turning her attention back onto Kuroo. "Right, I was wondering if you would let me take over helping Kageyama with his training, don't worry I'll still do my own training I'll come around nine again, I didn't want Kageyama to know because he'll reject it thinking he was a bother, so I wanted to ask you" Kuroo said, with sincerity. Yeah Kuroo didn't know Kageyama well but he did know that Kageyama disliked asking for help. People might think it's because of his pride but Kuroo thought it's because he didn't want to be a burden on anyone. "As long as you're able to get him to stop early I'm fine with it and I totally get what you mean, he really would have said no of you asked him directly" Yachi said, nodding in understanding. "Thanks" Kuroo smiled at Yachi. Yachi waved, then went back to her friends.

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