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"Remember, we can just look here, but it's also much cheaper online." Ken nodded once again. He felt like that was all he'd been doing all morning, but he was listening and taking in everything she said.

"If I hadn't mentioned it before, your picture would have been gorgeous."
Ken spoke as he hoisted his bag on his bent knee and skimmed the top of the paper in his two big folders, looking for the one that said "Detailed Schedule" in the top left corner. He needed that to find the books that were listed underneath each class.

"Thank you, so did yours, so handsome. You look perfect."

Kentrell listened to her words; as he did, he was shocked at her admission. He smiled even wider when she rubbed underneath his chin as well.

"You just reminded me. We need to get lanyards, too." He heard her shuffling, and without looking, he assumed that she was writing that down in her mini notebook as she had been for the better part of the day since the two had been together.

He wasn't sure what that was, but he didn't have to because she did, and eventually, he would too since she mentioned "we" in her sentence.

It remained quiet as she followed behind him as he got his books, and as he did, a pattern emerged. He noticed that she would also hold one as he grabbed a book. Not acknowledging it, he smiled, noting that they had the same classes and, subsequently, the same major.

"This is going to be so great." He thought as he jumped for joy in his head.

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