The Druun attack

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As the morning came, I lifted up my head and made sure that Namaari had already got the gem piece to Raya. The Heart warrior had all four pieces from the different clans. I got up to get dressed in my usual clothing. My clothes have a dress with a skirt. I tied my hair into a long ponytail after I brushed ly black hair. I went up to my drawer and pulled out my telescope. I had so many collections of stuff that my mom had given to me. I was actually the second princess of Fang although I had barely been outside of Fang. I begin to poke outside the window and look though. In the distance, I could see Namaari giving Raya the gem pieces. I still can't see Sisu yet but I can't understand what the dragon is saying.

"Come on, Namaari. You can do this." I muttered.

I sure hope that Benja would appreciate her trust. Benja was already turned to stone, and I can't remember him after that. But then, Namaari grabs her crossbow and aims it at them. From a distance, I could hear her voice. This wasn't an acceptance to help them. She thought it was a trick.

"Sisu and the gem pieces are coming with me."

Suddenly from the bushes, I saw a few different clan people, a boy, a man, and a toddler.

"Sisu!" The boy cried.

"Stay back!" my sister warned.

"It was foolish to trust someone from Fang!" The muscular man growled, baring his teeth.

"Don't come any closer!" Namaari warned again.

"Namaari, it doesn't have to be like this." Raya begged, trying to comfort Namaari. My older sister now has tears in her eyes.

"I don't have any other choice."

But then, the unseen Sisu tells Raya that she got this. Raya lets go of her sword and Sisu turns to Namaari. She approaches her, trying to reason that she never wanted to hurt them. As I saw her glow, it made me feel warm inside. This mysterious dragon made me feel calm. Namaari tries to keep herself from pulling the trigger but Raya uses her whip causing Namaari to fire it. The arrow flies straight into Sisu, killing her. Everyone watches in horror as she falls into the river.

"No!" Raya screamed.

I froze, lifting the telescope off of my sight, my eyes grew wide with horror. I can't believe this happened. My heart was racing. Namaari looks horrified at what she's done and runs for it, taking the gem piece with her. I began to step back as the ground shook, my body began to tremble as I felt like the world is gonna end. I looked down and saw that the canal began to sink and became empty.

"No...No.." I whimpered, my heart pounding fast.

I couldn't not believe what I was seeing. With Sisu finally gone, the last dragon in Kumandra, the Druun will take over the world. Nothing will stop them now. I knew we needed to evacuate before the Druun consumed all of us. If we stay here, we'll all become Druun food.  I begin to grab the ancient dragon scroll, the hairbrush, my plush doll, my clothes and put them all in my bag. I started to exit my room when the ground shook again. I sense that they are already here. The Druun begins to emerge from my window door. I quickly closed it before they got to me. I had to get everyone to safety fast. I ran through the palace searching for my mom.

"Mom? Mom?" I called through the empty halls.

I couldn't find her anywhere. I thought she might be in the throne room. As I went to the throne room, I saw that my mom was still alive. The Druun was right behind me. My mother was so glad that I was okay. She ran up to me and hugged me close. "Kora. Sweetie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, breathlessly. "But the water is all gone. We need to evacuate the city."

"It's already too late," Mom said, "The Druun are here."

Just as a Druun was about to get me, Virana stood behind me and told me a few last words. "Run, Ko, get to a safe place so the Druun won't attack."

And just like that, the Druun turned her into stone. I cried out but I knew there was no time. I got back up and started to run to the exit.

The Fang's guards were turned to stone as well. I shook my head as I headed off to find someone to save. So many people screamed and ran trying to get away from the swirling darkness. I was scared. I turned around and saw the Druun coming after me. I began to run as fast as I could but I tripped near a broken piece of debris. I groaned in pain as I clutched my ankle. The Druun was coming toward me. I whimpered, shutting my eyes and accepting my fate. But none of them did. They had been shrunk back by someone. It was the same boy from the group.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I looked up and saw the boy offering his hand up to me, I didn't know what to say. I slowly began to get up and grab his hand.

"I think so." I spoke softly.

"You're not hurt are you?" Boun said worriedly, as if I was hurt.

I looked at my ankle for a moment. It was still bleeding, but I could still walk. I begin to get up very slowly. "I'll be okay, once I help everyone out," I said determinedly. " I forgot..What's your name?"

"I'm Boun."

I begin to smile as if I heard his name. "Boun, huh? I'm Ko. I'll try and get everyone out as soon as possible."

Boun took a nod as a yes. He then begins to help the other people. While the Druun were nowhere, I managed to get some of the people out leading to the bridge. Nearby, some giant armadillo creature offered me to ride and get some survivors up. I didn't know why. but knew I had to trust him. I got into the creature and started to roll back to the nearby people who still needed help. Nearby, I can still hear Boun's voice.

"Tong, there's still people back there! Hurry! We're running out of time!" Boun yelled

"Got it! Everyone, out! Come with me!" Tong cried, leading people before him.

I got off onto my new armadillo friend as the others continued on saving people. I got to know the other two names Tong and Noi. The armadillo creature was Tuk Tuk. Then the warrior Raya came to help out. But then Tuk Tuk was surrounded by the Druun while carrying some terrified kids. Just as he was about to turn into stone, my sister came down and shined her gem piece at it.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" she called.

The armadillo creature nodded and took off with the kids. I then spotted that Namaari is okay.

"Namaari! Weren't you coming with us?" I asked worriedly. I was still hoping that she wasn't hurt or anything.

"Just go! I'll be okay!" she responded.

I nodded my head. I turned and began running to catch up with the survivors. For a moment turned one last time, and saw Raya lifting her sword up to strike Namaari.

"Namaari, look out!" I screamed.

But suddenly the ground shook and my sister and the others fell into a pit. I had to go after them but my best friend Liu, held back. "There's no time!" she cried. "We had to go."

I knew we had no choice but to leave the place immediately. I didn't even have a choice but go on without them.

Half Heart Hero: Ko's Solo Mission [Rise of Sifa Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now