Interview with @Chidihc

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How are you doing?

Hope you guys are great?!

So... today's episode is an interview with chidihc

An amazing upcoming writer!

Put your hands together please 😌😌👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

I won't talk too much today🌚🌚🌚😂😂😂🙈😂

So... let's get right into it.

The Code:




Q: Fullname.

A: Chukwu Immanuella Uloma✨

Q: Nickname/pen name/pseudonym.

A: Nickname; Toy story😂
Pen name; Chidihc

C: Lmaooo...toy story 😂

C: Swears😂 IDK why o

Q: Age/birthrate.

A: May 2 2005✨

Q: Nationality and state of Origin

A: Nigerian, Abia State😌

C: Another Ibo girl🌚

C: Yeuls😌

Q: Where do you stay?

A: Delta State.

Q: Next question: When did you start writing in general? 

A: I really can't remember, but I can recall that I started telling stories as early as six. I am the first born out of five, so to pacify my younger ones when they were being antsy, I would tell them stories I invented. They always enjoyed it. Later when I was older, I would copy drawn pictures from books, colour them and write short stories under them, then give them to my parents and friends to read.
Now that I think of it, I can remember one story I wrote when I was about eight, about a girl and her grandfather. Can't really remember the story line lol.

Q: Okayyy. So why do you write?

A: I write to escape. Cliche answer I know but it's the truth. I write when my emotions, both euphoric and sad, have reached a certain point that I have to let them out of my heart and put them down on paper or in this case, Wattpad. That's just it.

Q: Niceee. Next question: When did you start writing on wattpad?

A: Last year, 2020, around April.

Q: How many books have you published?

A: Two, Four Deaths And It a covid-19 inspired mystery thriller consisting of four different short stories and Framed, another mystery thriller x romance about a new adult girl, who lost her best friend and is simultaneously thrown into a life that is a far cry from the kind of life she led before.

Me shamelessly advertising my work😂

C: 😂😂 wow. Cool

C: Thanks☺️

Q: What's your first ever story?

A: I sha mentioned it before, in the written aspect, an illustrated story about a young girl and her grandfather. I can't remember the plot, but think it had to do with him going somewhere or something.

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