Chapter Four

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Four: Destination: Far Behind The Eyes Of The World

Ginny Potter woke up to the sound of an owl hooting and tapping the window. Keeping her eyes closed, she desperately hoped that whatever she witnessed the day before or so it seemed, to be a nightmare. She tried to feel the warmth of being wrapped in Harry's arms but found none.

Maybe, he is off to the ministry for some early duty. She mentally wished. Her eyes fluttered open and it widened as she took in the scene.

She was in her childhood bedroom. Posters of Gwenog Jones and Holyhead Harpies littered the walls. Her study desk contained stacks of rolled up parchment papers and one photo frame. She groaned and a single tear rolled down her cheek as she realized that the events were no nightmare. They were real incidents. Incidents which caused her to cry and mess up her room. Angrily, she stalked to her desk and took the photo frame.

It was a beautiful, simple wooden photo frame containing a photo of herself and Harry talking. Harry had taken her to some muggle restaurant one night. It was no ordinary night. It was the night when she said yes to marry him. In order to avoid the media, Harry had removed his glasses. Of course, he struggled with seeing things but he did that to make sure that no unwanted guests snatched their privacy away. She chuckled at his antics. He looked really handsome in a suit, she thought as she watched the simple muggle photograph of herself and Harry. She let a sigh escape her lips. No, she couldn't throw or burn this photo no matter how noble he behaved yesterday.

That was when she noticed a new letter lying on her study. It was addressed to her but there was one difference. It was addressed to 'Ginevra Weasley' not 'Ginevra Potter'. Confused, she set down the photo frame and picked the letter up. She walked over to her bed and opened the letter.

Dear Ginevra (Ginny) Weasley,


Molly Weasley was making a small breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast when she heard Hermione shriek, 'No damn way!'

It was very peculiar to hear Hermione Granger shriek swear words. This caught the Weasley matriarch's attention and she hustled out of the kitchen and into the sitting room. Her husband was sitting in the same arm chair as yesterday, looking pale. Hermione had her head on Ron's shoulder as tears freely flowed down her cheeks. Ron looked really pale as well as he read from a copy of The Daily Prophet. After taking in this horrific sight, Molly feared the worse. What if. . . What if they had extended Harry's sentence or worse declared . . . no! She could not even think of that. He did nothing to deserve a death sentence!

She hustled to Ron and took the paper out of his unresponsive hands. Her eyes went to the headlines and she had the same reaction as Hermione.

"Ministry issues martial degree 167?!"

The Minister of Magic, Dolores Umbridge has caused quite the stir in the Wizarding World of Britain. Lately, she has issued a new marital degree, degree number one hundred and sixty seven. It states that the spouse of a convicted criminal will get immediate divorce if the criminal is found guilty.

This degree has risen several complaints so far but no comments from the ministry. The ministry arrested several personalities the previous day, including the head of DMLE, Amelia Bones who is put on house arrest and surprisingly, famous auror and the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter. More officials include. . . "

Molly stopped there. She could not read more. What was to happen to her baby daughter then?

"Mum. . . What if they sent Gi-Ginny a-a l-letter a-about th-this?" Ron asked as he paled even more.

"No. . . GINNY! COME DOWN, DEAR!" Molly shouted.

"She won't, let's go up, quick!" Arthur said as he got up from his chair and led his family to Ginny's bedroom. They soon reached the landing of Ginny's room and tried opening it without even bothering to knock as they knew she wouldn't open. Just as they expected, it was magically locked.

"Alohomora," Hermione chanted, pointing her wand at the door. The door clicked open and the quartet rushed in. The sight to which they were greeted was completely different than what they thought they would see.

With a mask of determination, Ginny was packing bags. Half of her room was empty. The posters of Gwenog Jones, the Holyhead Harpies Chaser and that of The Weird Sisters were the only things stuck to the wall. In fact, they were the only things in the room besides the furniture and the mattress.

"Ginny, dear," Molly started but soon spotted a letter with the stamp of the Ministry lying on the mattress.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked, gently.

"Somewhere where no one would find me, including that toad face and that noble git."

"But Ginny!" Ron started again but was silenced by his father.

"Make sure to write to us, yeah?" Arthur said. Hermione and Ron wore expressions of shock but Molly nodded, very slowly, her brown eyes filled with unshed tears. Ginny looked up sharply at her father's reply.

"Y-you mean it?" she asked, her voice cracking.

"Yes, Ginny. I know that you are not a little girl anymore. You have the right to take decisions and I understand that you don't want to stay in Britain in fear of receiving much worse letters from the Ministry but I ask you one thing. Please do not be angry at Harry." She looked down at this, "It is not his fault. Let's say that it's his compassion and nature that has put him into the hell. He will be a free man soon, do not fret. I promise you that I will try my best to get him out. Until then, you have the liberty to do as you please. I expect your mother will say the next line." Arthur finished, looking at Molly. His smile was wavering, his eyes contained unshed tears. Molly knew that her husband was barely holding his emotions.

She nodded and inhaled deeply before speaking, "'Do as you please' doesn't mean that you go somewhere and get yourself killed or worse, not take care of yourself." Ginny chuckled nervously at that. Leave it to Molly Weasley to pamper you.

"I promise I will mum. Thanks dad," Ginny said and hugged her parents. Ron seemed to want to protest but did not do anything. He opened his arms wide for her.

"You won't hug your dear ol' brother?" he asked. Molly knew that he was trying to smile and keep his voice from shaking. Ginny smiled and ran into his arms, squeezing the air out of her brother.

When the two young girls' eyes met each other, the older girl shook her head, trying to keep herself from crying as she ran to Ginny and hugged her tightly. "I am sorry, Ginny. It's because of m-me," she whispered so that only the younger girl could hear. Ginny shook her head and held onto her best friend.

"It's not your fault. It is that toad's. Just promise me one thing, Hermione?" she asked.

"Anything," Hermione replied as she backed away.

"Take care of this food-guy here who happens to be my brother," Ginny joked and Hermione chuckled as she nodded.

"Oi! I heard that!" Ron protested. Ginny smiled one last time at him before her luggage disappeared.

"Ginny please-" Hermione started, holding Ginny's hand who shook her head.

"I love you all."

With that, Ginny disappeared, to an unknown place, far behind the eyes of the world. . .

I tried my best to keep some light hearted moments but I failed. I am a bad comedy writer. Should have asked Marina to write them. In case you haven't yet, check out her two books titled 'Baby Harry's Day In' and 'Ronald Weasley's Stay Went Wrong' if you like humor and want a lot of laugh.

Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for your lovely support!

Miyoko x

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