Ch 9

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Trey was waiting that day for his parents to make their usual hospital visit. It was like coming to the hospital was something they did all their lives, a regular feature.

Now though, this visit would be different from all the rest. He wanted answers and they were the ones he planned to get them from.

Did they know? That was the main question he had for that moment. Did they know?

If it was true then he had a child, a baby who would have to be somewhere around six or seven months old. Was it a boy or a girl? Did he have a daughter or a son?

He tensed further than he already was when he heard his mother's chatter in the corridor outside his room.

Damn woman sounds like she's going on a picnic!

Coming through the door she stopped in surprise when she saw the bed was empty. Looking around she smiled when she saw Trey sitting to the side of his room in his chair.

"Trey darling I thought you might be at physio and we'd gotten the time wrong."

"Oh I'm here. I just decided it was time to stop living like an invalid and like a live like a regular himan being instead."

"Oh Trey... do you think that's wise?"

"What have the doctors said about it?" his father asked.

Trey chuckled.

"Funny that. I don't give a fûck what they think any more."

His mother paled.

"Trey! Is that any way to speak in your mother's presence?"

"Oh have I offended you? I'm sooo sorry. Forgive me" his tone belied the words he spoke. "Actually don't because I really don't care."

"Trey... what on earth's got into you?" his mother asked him in a hushed and almost terrified tone.

"I want to see my wife."

His parents looked at one another nervously.

"Any reason you can think of that I shouldn't? I mean apart from the fact that she never loved me enough to come to the hospital after my accident? I mean, what sort of wife does that? Obviously Donna's the biggest bítch on earth to not care at all."

He watched with a damning glee as his parents turned the colour of the hospital linen.

"Oh wait... she did. She came and got sent away. My pregnant wife was sent away from her husbands' side. I wonder who had the authority to make that demand?"

His parents both looked guilty.

"Wait" his father spoke "You say she was pregnant?"

"Yes" he sighed "as if you didn't know."

"You never told us!" his mother cried out.

"I don't believe that Mother. All Donna and I wanted was a family. Why would I keep something like that a secret?"

"Well you did" she sniffled "if only we'd known...."

"What mother? My wife came to the hospital and you allowed Elizabeth to get rid of her! How could you do that? What on this God's green fúcking earth possessed you that night? My wife was sent out of the hospital like a piece of trash and threatened with force. Force mother... on a pregnant woman!"

"We did what we thought was best for you at the time.."

"Best for me? Best for me? You know who this was the best for? Elizabeth."

"You were with her..."

"That doesn't excuse you for sending a pregnant woman... my wife... away!"

"Son I know this is a shock but you have to put it behind you until you get better..."

"Fúck you Dad. This is why you refused to help me go and see her isn't it? You didn't want me to find out about your involvement in this! Your grandchild is out there somewhere and you act all high and fúcking mighty!"

Trey pushed the wheels on his chair to go to the buzzer near the bed.

A young nurse came in quickly and he pointed to his parents.

"These people are no longer permitted in this room. Do whatever you have to do to get rid of them."

"Trey... please...." his mother begged as his father grabbed her waist to hold her up.

"Find my wife and I may consider forgiving you then."

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