A Good Morning

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I awake to my phone ringing. I look at the Caller ID. Unknown, of course. I clear my throat and answer.
"Hello," I say softly looking down at Andy's peaceful face.
"Hey, is this Lexi Pierce?" A familiar voice asks.
"Yes?" I ask not sure of the identity of the caller.
"Lex! Hey, it's Meaghan. I don't know if you remember me but we used to hang out like everyday in high school." She laughs nervously.
"OMA!" (A/N it's a saying of mine, Oh My Andy) I squeal. I most certainly remember Meaghan. I met her our freshmen year. She introduced me to BvB and helped me accept myself. Without her I wouldn't have met Lily. Lily was one of Meaghan's friends.
"Hell yeah, I finally got Lily to give me your number." She laughs. I frown. Why wouldn't Lily give Meaghan my number?
"Why wouldn't she give you it?" I ask kind of loud. Andy wakes up and looks at me groggily.
"She said that you were on tour with BvB and probably were working too hard to see me." Meaghan says softly. She never liked to be in the middle of an argument.
"I would always have time for you!" I say angrily.
"So can I visit you? Where are you?" She asks and after I give her the address we hang up.
"Who was that and are they coming here?" Andy says sleepily.
"Meaghan my best friend from high school and yes." I smile.

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