How it happened

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While Rabastan arrived at Lestrange Manor, Narcissa had also arrived at the ancestral black house. She immediately walked straight through the wards into the house calmly before taking a seat in the downstairs seating room for Sirius and Remus to wake up and meet her downstairs. She knew that the wards at grimmuald place would immediately inform the owner of the house to someone arriving so she knew she wouldn't have to wait long. A few moments later, Sirius Black walked anxiously into the room holding his wand firmly in front of him, he didn't run as that would allow someone to easily get behind him if waiting in ambush or to get back up the stairs to where he had left Remus sleeping peacefully. He was sure Remus would be annoyed he didn't wake him up in the morning as it was his job as Sirius' dominant to protective him but as a member of the house of black he was completely capable of protecting himself especially against only one person entering the house.

Immediately he noticed who was sitting in the room and put down his wand before taking the opposite seat from Narcissa

"What was my favourite stuffed teddy called" Sirius quickly asks still suspicious about if it's truly Narcissa
"Snuffles Siri" Narcissa replies confidently and slightly sarcastically before continuing "Sirius could you go and wake Remus up I have something important to tell you both" Sirius, noticing his cousins tone, quickly shoots to his feet running up the stairs into the master bedroom towards the side where Remus was sleeping. He quickly shakes his husband awake rather apprehensive about what Narcissa is going to tell him. Remus wakes up quite quickly, his wolf could hear the almost panicked breathing of his submissive and refused to allow his human side to stay asleep any longer.
"Siri? What's wrong?" Remus immediately questions his husband a look of concern coming over his face at the anxious look in Sirius' eyes
"Narcissa's downstairs and she has something important to tell us. I'm scared it going to be something bad" Sirius replies looking to his dominant for comfort from his worries. Ever since he escaped Azkaban, Sirius has difficulty people telling his news in the tone of voice Narcissa used. It came from the fact he had to relive the deaths of his friends he's seen and relieve all the moments someone had told his someone else had died like when his friend Marlene McKinnon died.
Remus wrapped his arm comfortingly around his husband whispering calming words to him "everything is going to be okay Siri. Everything is just fine. I promise no-one is hurt"
He continued till he could feel his submissive stop shaking in his arms and calmed down enough to be taken down stairs. He wasn't sure if Sirius was ready to hear whatever Narcissa had to say especially if it was something negative but understood that if was obviously important if Narcissa was there at 1:30 in the morning and thought that if Sirius started panicking again he could comfort him in his creature form to help him calm down again. Being Padfoot always calmed Sirius down not because of the dogs lack of feelings but the idea that if a submissive was distressed they changed into their creature form so it made it easier for them to be comforted by their dominants. The form taken when the submissive is distressed is always smaller than if they were changing their form willingly this made it easier for the dominant be able to protect and cuddle their submissive.

With this in mind, Remus and Sirius walked down the stairs as calmly as possible into the downstairs sitting room taking the seat Sirius has vacated minutes prior, Remus sitting with Sirius on his lap cuddling him close to offer him comfort.
"What was it you wanted to tell Narcissa?" Remus questioned while Sirius just listen closely
"Read this first" Narcissa exclaimed before passing the 2 letters over to Sirius and Remus, who opened them and started reading without a word. They both carried the same message
Dear Lord Sirius Lupin-Black/Lord Consort Remus Lupin-Black
We at Gringotts require you presence at your earliest convenience to discuss a very important matter pertaining to your son Nyx Orion Lupin-Black
This letter is a Portkey which will take you into our conference room in Gringotts bank. The activation word is new beginnings.
Yours Sincerely
Gringotts Goblin Sharpclaw

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