Why the exams?

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Walking into the dusty apartment your parents had rented out for you in-between the few jobs they had you do, you set your small luggage case down near the door and took in the rather large space.

You had never really liked staying in one spot, instead moving every few months or so.

You smile as you remember the worry in your mother and grandmothers voices.

"Y/N are you sure that this is what you want to do? You are so strong you know? If you need to get out and do some more jobs, then we can do that for you!"

You left anyway, knowing that you probably wouldn't see them face to face again for a while.  And that was the truth. Your birthday had just passed on New Years Day, making it the seventh birthday spent without in person contact with your family. You weren't sad by any means though; infact, you didn't care at all.

Instead of spending this last birthday alone, you spent it with someone else; Vix. She was probably the most bad ass person you'd ever met, besides yourself of course. Vix was the only person that you trusted, never dragging you into her business, never belittling you; you were true equals, and friends.

Snapped back to reality by the buzzing coming from your phone, you answer the call from your butlers.

"Can I help you?"

"Master Y/N, I've called to inform you that your mother and father have found a job for you. Would you like me to transfer you to their line, or are you busy at the moment?"

"No I'm not busy right now. Go ahead and send me over. Thank you Heidi."

With a beep, you hear your mother and fathers voices over the phone.

"Y/N, as Heidi has probably informed you, we have a job. We haven't asked anything of you for the last few months yknow?"

This wasn't exactly a request, but a weak attempt at covering an order, that much the both of you knew.

Father and child, what more could a regular person want? Well for you, nothing would be better than for your father to never call you again. Neither of you got along well, and with the incident all those years ago, you always tried proving yourself useful to him, always failing. Never good enough.

When you left, he didn't bother asking you to stay, didn't even mutter a word.

You had since stopped caring about what he thought of you, your mind being punishment enough. Over the years, it became an unspoken agreement that whenever he asked you to do a job, you would.

"I suppose. What do I need to do?"

"A rising group of theives are said to be plotting an attack on some rich family down near the city your apartment is. Do what I've trained you to do. Kill them."

" Yeah yeah. Anything special I should know?"

"Well, you will need a hunters license, but other than that, nothing else should trouble you."

"Well what about--" you heard your mother say, before being cut off by your father.

"This is a big mission, so you'll get forty percent. Nothing more. Goodbye Y/N. Do not let me down."

And with that your father hung up.

You should have been surprised you'd only get forty percent,  not to mention he was hiding something else entirely from you, but neither concerned you.

After all, they did rent out this apartment year 'round for you,  despite knowing that you weren't around for at least half the year. Its not like you were someone who struggled for money anyway.

You started to clean up the dirty apartment,  waiting for the coordinents of the hunter exam to be sent to you.

♠️♥️His Pretty Pet♠️♥️ (hisoka x FEM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now