Glimmer Somewhere Dimmer

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Psa: Thanks for all the love and support on this book. Im trying my hardest to squeeze in updates but there is a chance they may slow down soon. I know you guys are used to an update every second night but life can get quite busy. That being said im not stopping updating this and i will continue my hardest to keep bringing out updates but it does take me a good 4 ish hours to do an update sometimes because most of my updates are between 4000-4300 words long. Plus i have to think of ideas and go back through old chapters to make sure i haven't forgotten anything. For any newbies my psas are important because i will try to update you guys with information and ask for ideas for future chapters and if i like them enough they will be incorporated. Plus if i have multiple ideas for a chapter i might give you the choice to vote for one but you have to watch my announcements. Lastly this will be the last time im saying it just incase any of you missed it this book is fluff only. There will be no smut or lemons so even though i know you guys are joking there wont be any "tops/bottoms" only fluff. Don't stop the comments though they are so god damned funny, this is just to say this book ain't a lemon dont worry. If you want a lemon go back through my chapters and there is a link in one of the comments by someone who was inspired by my work and incorporated it into their ao3 story with my permission. Thank you that is all. Keep the funny comments coming your all hilarious af.//

After a few hours of playing with Jinx and her makeup, you and Silco left her room looking almost godly. Somehow she had gotten really good at makeup over the week and a half you two had been here. She had to have had lessons from brush otherwise you had no idea how she was doing it. Today Silco was acting a little different.

He was warmer sure. More willing to joke around...But that wasn't it. You found him constantly communicating with staff as your day went by. He would disappear from you and weave around the building to god knows where. Only Silco knew and probably Sevika if she was in. Sevika was like the equivelant of a hawk, she had eyes like one too. Always stern and always watching. Only time her face was ever changing was when someone was in pain, which she smirked in amusement...Or when someone challenged her to a fight. Of course she did not want to go round two with you however. After that first fight her respect for you sky rocketed. To be honest you kind of liked Sevika, no matter how often she threatened to shoot the staff. Maybe she would know why Silco was acting all...Off.

That was it. You were going to find her. You took one last look at your painted matte black nails with pride before going on a wander. Sevika couldn't be that hard to find, alls you would have to do was sniff out gunpowder and melon. You assumed she ate it alot or maybe washed her hair with it because there was always a faint fruity smell left behind where she had been. It was funny to think about her just walking around with melon slices in her hand, shooting at peoples feet to scare them. You would have to tell her eating mango and melon was not intimidating.

After a few minutes of sniffing down fresh smoke and keeping an ear out you found a shell on the floor. You bent down to lift it up, and sniffed it. Freshly shot. Warm too. You stood up and rounded the corner only to see Sevika sprawled out on a couch.
"Sevi? What are you doing?" You asked.
"Sevi? Thats a new one. Im just waiting on my next orders. Today has been boring as hell. Silco had me gaurding a door for three hours. I told him there was plenty of other shit i could be doing with my time but...he just stared at me. Its like he finds delight and joy in leaving me outside." She joked and spun her pistol round in her hand throwing it back into her holster.
"That...Sounds like Silco. I actually came here to discuss him-" you began.
"Oh did you now champ?" Sevika interrupted.
"Any nickname is fine by me but not 'champ' it sounds weird." You laughed.
"Alright then jawbreaker, what do you want to know? Im overloading in joyous information about your boyfriend but that doesn't mean i will spill. He gets to keep secrets too you know." She chuckled.

Double Life. Silco X Male Reader (On Hold.)Where stories live. Discover now