whats someone like you doing here

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Bryan. A
I looked in the mirror of my small apartment trying to flatten my white shirt and pit my tie on. I had an interview tonight with the boss of one of the largest mafias in the city, he owned most of the property and wouldnt hesitate to kill you. I shivered thinking about that. I wore a white button up shirt with a black tie and black dress pants with spenders matching them going over My shoulder. I also had on a pair of fancy black boots and had my white hair tied back with a bow. The big thing of color on me was the gem on my forehead with was yellow but I couldn't really get rid of it. I pulled my jacket grabbed my keys and left the house knowing I may never return. I stepped into my car and opened my phone and saw a new msg.
???? -boss wants to meet you at 46th street be there in 30 minutes no later be better if your early
I closed my phone and sighed in relief only two streets away I could be there in five minutes. I start my car and start on my way.
(Time skip) I arrive at the building, i park my car and walk into the huge building. I walked over to a desk.
The lady sitting there had long brown hair and a red ruffled blouse.
"Are you bryan A? "
"Don't stutter boss with back hand you"
I feel a shiver go down my back.
"Go sit on one of those couches your 20 minutes early boss is still in a meeting. By the way when you meet him call him sir"
"Oh ok. " I smiled at her and walked over amd sat on the red leather couch.
(Another time skip)
I jumped off the couch with my wings slightly picking me up off the ground. I got down and headed up the flight of stairs and pushed the elevator button and stepped in and let it lift me up.
Inpu. A
I sat at my desk my feet on it I was playing with the little ankh my father gave me. I was supposed to have a meeting with a new pet today .  I picked up his file, I have to say he looks pretty hot~ I smirk and lick my lips this is going to be fun~.
Bryan A pov
The elevator dinged and the doors opened to a long hallway with doors all the way down ending with a pitch black area with only red lights. I walked down my wings slowly going up and down something about this felt unsettling. I got to the door checked my shirt one more time straighten my posture and slowly lifted my hand to the door and knocked.

"Cooooommme inn~" a insane laugh came behind the door.

I opened it and stepped in closing the door and leaving all light behind me. The room was all black with red led lights around at the desk sat a tall man with huge jackal ears and several tails.

"Hello sir... i'm Bryan Aphrodite nice to meet you." I gulped as he stood up and came towards me, my wings fell down my sides.

"So your the new pet~" he walked closer and circled around me.

"Now answer one question for me."

He stood in front of me and held my chin to face him.

"What's someone like you doing here?~" 

"W-well.. I-um"


I held my cheek were he had hit me,

"Speak proper" he snapped "I hate when pets stutter"

"Yes sir" 

"Now answer my question"

"My mother told me to come her as return for her...debt"

"Mmmm~ I see your mother is Aphrodite correct?"

I nodded my head and looked down at my feet.

"Well your going to need some training in behavior but I think you'll work just fine." he smirked and walked back to his desk.

"Sit angel" I go over and grab one of the chairs. "Not there over here~" He pointed to his lap, I cringed and didn't move standing there with my wings slightly waving.

"Now angel." I looked at him and slowly walked over and sat down.

"You know what I do yo disobedient pets darling?" 

"What?" I look up and see him sharping his claws, i feel a shutter go up my back.

"I kill them" My eyes go wide and a feel a sharp pain in my back.

"now hold still dear this will only hurt for a second~"  I feel whatever is digging into my skin move spelling something. He moved me around facing him. 

"Now time for the other side, you know out of everyone I've marked as mine you've barely fought good angel now can I unbutton this a little bit it wont hurt as much as you back I promise~" I blush and nod, he moves his hand unbuttoning my blouse and he takes a small knife off his desk and slowly starts carving. Inpu Anubis's Property , I gasp as he carves the words into my chest adding hearts around it. tears covered my face and he began laughing then lifted my chin up to face him.

"Were going to have so much fun my Pet~"

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