Kailyn Grace Wilt

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Name: Kailyn Grace Wilt
Age: 13
Birthday: April 3rd
Grade: 7
Hair: Short
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green/Blue
Race: First Nations/Caucasian
Height: 5.5
Class: 703
Family: Mother, Father, Brother.
(Fav) Subject: English
(Fav) Song: King and Lionheart- Of Monsters and Men
(Fav) Book: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone
(Fav) Movie: Alpha Alert/Event 15
(Fav) TV Show: Once Upon A Time
(Fav) Actor: Jennifer Morrison
(Fav) Singer: The Civil Wars
Hobby: Writing
Best Friend: Shane Nickel
Other: Suffers from depression, anxiety, and is suicidal.

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