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After finishing their food, Jimin tells his brother about going outside since he has a really important meeting with a boss of another company. Before leaving he especially orders the older one not to get even near the second floor, let alone visit the wolf while he is gone.

The older one gives him his promises and watches as the younger one leaves the house. After the pink haired guy steps outside the door, Yoongi starts doing the dishes while looking outside the window to see when the cat hybrid leaves. But what he didn't want the other one to know is that he already decided he is going to check on the guy upstairs even before coming home.

He hates to lie to his brother and breaking his word like this but something inside of him doesn't let him relax without seeing the omega. After making sure his brother is really gone, he walks up to the second floor. His nose catches a light trace of pheromones but they aren't as severe as the ones he sensed before. He quickly turns to his brother's room and looks for the drug he was handed.

Slowly he walks towards the room before taking the pill in his hand and lightly knocks on the door. The human carefully steps inside but as soon as he does, he freezes in place. His face is only inches away from the hybrid's, his eyes becoming wide open at the sight. "Tae.." but before he can mutter out more, he gets interrupted.

"Don't call my name. You shouldn't be here and you know it," the hybrid alpha growls out while looking at the older one with bright yellow eyes. "Get out of here now if you know what's good for you," he continues and backs away, expecting the guy to leave.

Yoongi takes a deep breath while looking away a bit to calm down after being so close to the hybrid and then speaks out. "You were the one who called for me first, so I just came to check on you," he explains while carefully listening if his brother might be back.

Taehyung quickly turns around and growls at him. "Listen here, oh the mighty alpha, I'm nothing like you alright? I am not just a true blooded alpha, a disgusting part of me is also an omega. You don't need to know every single story but it is what it is now so if you'd just mind your own damn business and leave that would be great," he insists for the other male to leave while getting on top of the human's bed, not breaking the eye contact in the process.

The brown haired one get's pissed off at the way he is being talked to. "Then why did you call for me huh? Was it so you can tell me to fuck off?! Don't you know what you calling out for me does to my body?!" Yoongi's louder arguing voice fills the room before he closes the door behind himself. "I already know there is an omega part of you! You think I can't fucking smell it?! I'm going crazy cause of it! And then you dare to call my name and tell me to leave?!" The alpha continues to argue in anger and watches the wolf hybrid shiver at his shouting voice.

Both of them stare into each other's eyes for a second before the wolf decides to speak up again. "My omega called your alpha. But I didn't call you," he adds in a dark tone of a voice. After a few seconds, he starts feeling the effects of suppressants slowly fading away, his body starts getting hotter. The panic starts taking over his body when the realization hits him that the other guy is still inside the room.

"You should really go," the wolf hybrid warns while looking down at his now shaky hands. He covers his body with them while pointing his head to the exit for the other alpha. He wants the guy gone before it's too late to do anything about it but with just one look at the other male's pissed face he understands that it's not going to happen.

"Again with that shit?! Listen you can't.." but before Yoongi can finish his sentence, he realizes the black haired guy's body starts shaking lightly. His eyes take a better look, noticing that the hybrid is laying in a pile of his clothes. His face shows shock but at the same time a part of him comes out that wants to embarrass the younger one. "So while in heat you use my clothes as a nest? What a cute wolfie."

Taehyung's greyish yellow eyes stare at the other one in pure disbelief after hearing the word 'cute' describe his state. His view quickly travels away with his cheeks and ears turning a light shade of pink. "Stop calling me that! And stop staring! Just get out!" He demands loudly in embarrassment while trying to grab as many clothes as possible and drag them to himself.

"And you dislike wearing clothes too, don't you? Based on the fact that you are here only in MY underwear," the older smirks a bit and walks closer to the bed. Their pheromones begin to fill up the room, leaving them both with a dizzy feeling.

The wolf's chest starts feeling tighter when the human approaches him, his now orange eyes scan the other alpha's every move while his tail finds it's way between his legs. Taehyung growls out for the other one to stop moving forward. "Don't come any closer or you will regret it," the younger one warns the brown haired guy. Starting to feel the effects of the drug almost gone, he can now only hardly control his body.

With all the hybrid has, he does his best to keep it together, not wanting to be in touch with anyone. He doesn't want to suffer any more than he already did because of humans so he tries his best to keep his alpha side on guard to protect him. He tries to shift from his omega to his alpha but realizes the weaker part of him is rejecting being protected more than ever before, he can't defend himself like he wishes to.

Yoongi can barely hold it together himself even tho he is a human. Wondering if the drug even took any effect on him or if it really isn't working at all, he continues to move towards the younger. After a few more steps, he finally decides to call it quits and walk outside but as soon as his brown eyes meet Taehyung's almost teary expression, his thoughts disappear into the void. All he can see is the guy's beautiful white body, wrapped in his clothes and the smell he is giving off is amazingly sweet, making the older go crazy with each passing second.

His figure moves on it's own, starting to climb on top of his bed and making it's way dangerously close to the younger hybrid. The black haired's heart starts beating faster and faster the closer their bodies get, while his own body shivers at the sight. A mix of feelings takes over the wolf and they make him wonder what he really feels like.

Taehyung's eyes remain greyish yellow before he decides to try and protect his body by attacking the approaching alpha but only manages to give him a scratch on the arm. Right after a sudden movement, he feels a sharp pain flash through his abdomen at the spot he was shot. His shocked eyes gaze down at his still not completely healed wound and then back at Yoongi's hypnotized face.

"I will regret it? Hahaha, seems like the one regretting anyithing is you," the older one laughs out while inspecting the younger's shaking figure, lust filling his dark eyes. His body doesn't stop moving for a single second, his hands slowly making their way towards the body he was being drawn to.

Orange eyed younger pushes him and quickly backs away to the edge of the bed where he is met with the cold wall touching his back. He is cornered completely. It feels just like the first time he and Yoongi met but with their roles being reversed. Now the older one is the beast and the hunter that is going to eat his prey.

And Taehyung became the hunted who can't do anything but shake and close his eyes to not see what's going to happen next.


Hello guys!

For this part I feel like leaving you hanging (evil laugh) 😈

Anyways hope you enjoy it!

See you guys in the comments or in next part!🥰

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