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Silence falls once again as the stares travel over faces which now try to read the expression of the other person to understand what they are thinking.

After a pause of silence the hybrid's mouth open to speak in a hesitant voice. "You will have to prove yourself then. Like I said before, I'm not someone who can be won over easily by gentle words and a few nice gestures. That me is no longer here," the wolf slips his hand from beneath the human's and sits back in his chair.

The rejection from the younger man makes the atmosphere change into a tense one and with it also the brown haired alpha's mood. The switch is so sudden it catches Taehyung by surprise when the older's fist comes into contact with the table, making a loud noise when hitting it.

"What? You think of me as a fucking joke or something? I am doing my best not to cross the line and make you suffer yet I still need to prove myself?" The aura around the man speaking darkens when he leans closer, but it isn't the same as last night.

The sentence sounded threatening which didn't please the wolf even in the slightest. With eyes turning into a reddish color while growling at the other person the hybrid stands up. "I don't know what your deal is, one moment you are nice and next you go nuts but don't you threaten me with empty words because I won't allow you to hurt me."

"If you do try, I will kill you. Now don't flatter yourself with all of that 'you not crossing the line and me trusting you' nonsense. Someone like you? Who would," the alpha returns the dangerous gaze, stepping closer to the shorter guy, who seems shocked as a result.

In the heat of the moment, Yoongi's expression turns dark once again, his hand grabbing onto Taehyung's shirt, making the male stumble forward. "The hell you dare! If that's the case I want to see that mad side, show it to me. I pinned you down once and I will do it over and over again but this time I will finish what I started!" The older one yells out, his mad eyes being the complete opposite of the soft ones from the previous conversation the two had.

A fearful expression paints itself over the black haired guy's face, pushing the other person away from his own body to create space. "At that time I was at my weakest! Most likely anyone could defeat me. You are nothing special, just an alpha out of control after being around the omega in heat. Don't brag about something you achieved by accident," he argues back.

His plan backfires gradually as it angers the human even more, making him attack the younger to prove he is stronger. Both alphas stand their ground, their eyes locked, expressions hardened. With a sudden burst of energy, fists flew in a chaotic dance.

The sound of blows and growling echoes against brick walls. Each strike is fueled by a mix of anger and determination, creating a struggle for dominance. Grunts and heavy breaths punctuate the scene as the fight unfolds, a raw display of physical power and raging stares till the older one ends on top just like the other time.

The familiar position rings through the head of the figure pressed against the floor. "Listen when I tell you that you won't have it your way as long as I have a say in it. I'm an alpha as well. A true blooded one at that! Know your place!" He yells at the guy above.

"Shut the fuck up! Why can't you just submit like all the other times? I want the damn omega! Give it to me!" The older screams right back, clearly annoyed at the fact the other one isn't reacting in a submissive way towards him.

As Yoongi tries to copy the incident from the other night by removing the other one's clothes, the younger one finally snaps, using most of his strength, the guys end up being flipped over. The brown eyes widen in surprise when it happens and before the human could react to the situation, his eyes meet the hybrid's bloody ones.

"You are not getting it for shit! You hear me? That part will remain sealed deep inside till you prove me it's safe around you!" A growling sound escapes through the fangs of the man that slowly turns into a beast. Tension hangs itself in the air as the animal fixes its piercing gaze on the man that's now frozen on the ground as he feels a cold sweat trickle down his spine.

At first the brown haired guy tries to get the other male to let him go but after some failed attempts the realization hits him. No matter what he does, it's over. He lost. The older alpha's dark aura starts fading, his arrogant expression switches into a fearful one. Little by little the confident guy lowers his gaze before his eyes close shut, waiting to get finished off.

As the growling gets louder, the human can feel the beast's hot breath hit his face. His breaths quicken, following the beats of his heart. A knot tightened in his stomach as the air surrounding them became thick with the stench of fear, as if recognizing the danger.

Suddenly the older male feels a warm liquid draw a line from his eye and down his cheek which makes him slowly take in the situation. After weight is removed from the top of his body, the brown haired guy's vision slowly repairs itself. Scanning the place around him, his lungs breathe a sigh of relief.

At the corner of his vision, the man notices the spectral outline of the beast standing a few steps away which makes him sit upwards. The creature's eyes glow with an otherworldly intensity, fixed on him. Once again the wolf makes his way forward towards the guy but stops in his tracks when he sees the guy's arm being raised towards him.

"You win. Please I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me. I wasn't myself. I'm really sorry just don't come closer," the shivering body is enough of a proof for the black shadow's eyes to starts losing the red that painted them.

Moving closer to the older one, Taehyung can see that the man attacking him before vanished and in his place now is sitting the guy that swore not to hurt him. With each step closer the wolf slowly disappears and turns into his usual hybrid form.

At the sight of the giant beast disappearing, Yoongi slowly calms himself down as well, wiping his eyes and once again taking in a few breaths of air. "You are the first human I decided not to kill, don't get cocky over it after though. I will let you off this once. If you ever try to do what you did today again, I won't hold back," the younger male huffs while doing his best to look intimidating.

The black haired guy checks over the body of a man in front of him till his eyes accidentally get a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror that stands in the hall. Noticing that his clothes are once again ripped apart and barely grasping his own body. He sighs a bit, getting ahold of them and covering his torso.

"I will do my best not to let that happen again. It wasn't intentional at all. As for the destroyed clothing you should go and change them again. I will go buy some new ones tomorrow," the brown eyed one explains before following the other's movements and standing up.

The hybrid nods a bit before disappearing up the stairs to replace the damaged clothes. Leaving a regretfully looking human behind.

"Why the fuck does it have to be at the worst times possible..." Yoongi ruffles his hair in frustration.


Hey guys!

It was around a week after all so that's great news if you ask me 😊

Hope you like this part!

See you in the comments

Hope everyone has a good day! 🥰

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