Chapter 5: Unity At Earth's End

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Being a son, a deity of justice, and someone with anger issues dying was the last thing I needed. I was hoping for some kind of miracle to come in you know? Well no crying about it now. I started to walk down the stupidly long pathway but honestly, if you take a second and breathe in, you feel the peace you never had. It's like the peace you'd feel at death... oh wait, how ironic. HAH GOOD ONE ME! I kept walking with my emotions building for some reason, the anger from all those years, the sadness and tears I held back for god only knows how long but what's making me laugh is I can't find the happy memories. Has it been that long since my last happy memory or have I just never had one? Anyway as this damned pathway kept extending I finally saw fuel for my eyes! Flowers... or something like that. I could feel my blood boiling when I saw these specific flowers though... I have a bad feeling about this. I noticed a platform growing and here I was thinking there would be food and drinks and a hella lot of BITCHES! What? I haven't had a woman in ages. You can't question me for wanting to at least have a life... My excitement finally grew but all of fucking sudden I hear a voice and I know exactly who the hell that is...

"My dear boy!"

"OH FUCK NO, FUCK DEATH, GOD SEND ME TO HELL OR THE BITCH PARK NOT THIS!" I screamed into... wait is there seriously nothing here except a white void. . . ?

"HAVE MANNERS IMBECILE!" He instructed while handing me a slap of a lifetime. Heh, one more to the pun list!

"Ugh... Yo... Ojin..." (Author note: Ojin - おじん - Gramps)

So to give ya the run down this old fuck is my gramps, Tanaka Sumeragi, The leader of the Sumeragi Samurai clan, blah blah blah, and Wielder of the Kimikoronkai. A giant sword cleaver which he FUCKING SWINGS LIKE STICK EVEN THOUGH THE PIECE'A TIN WEIGHS LIKE 300 TONS. Argh whatever, I can't keep bitching like Vertigo.

"So guess we finally meet huh? Ojin-san" I say

He had a very blank expression but once again I'm not surprised... Will anything surprise me at this point? I asked why I'm here and he stated the obvious. "I've died" however it doesn't stop there. Get this, I've temporarily died. Damn, I didn't even know that was possible and I'm a God. What the fuck... He continues to explain that as of right now the only person in the world who's made me fear is currently persuading Vertigo to separate from me which as it means having another body... Not what I was looking forward to... Obviously with all that said I knew I couldn't waste another second and let the bastard manipulate him further than I can. I told Ojin-san to let me get back there, I informed him about soul trading which allows me to come back to Earth under certain conditions. He turned and stared at me with a glare of interest, you could see the spark of an idea through his pupils. He said if I'm willing to do anything for it then I have to fight him. Now, considering how he's an old man with only sword arts I knew this was way too easy so I told him to stop trying to die twice and just give something like I can't have strawberry cupcakes or something

"This isn't a game grandchild. You are not the man you once were long ago. You've become weak and you know it yet you hide under a curtain of disbelief. You cover each lie with another lie. Does it not eat you up inside? To know how weak you are and play such a simpleton's game?"

My fists start itching. It felt like what he said was true. No way I was weak. He's fucking messing me with again this damned fuck. Now I remembered why I hated him so much, he's always looked at me as someone too weak to do a damn thing. "You're a disgrace to the family name." "You've failed as a child and human." This is gonna be the last time I hear that shit again...

(FOB Music. Please make sure to play until the end of the fight)

I tighten my fist and get into stance, regardless of how rusty it was I fixed my back and raised my right fist to under my and left fist a bit lower, and point towards him. We stare at each other as the somewhat faint wind blows past us...

We dash towards each other clashing the kicks we intended to strike. (Music sync at 0:13)

We trade blow for blow at lightning pace while our eyes strained themselves to get a hold on what we may throw next.  I haven't felt such a rush in ages! No human could ever give such an intense battle! I can even say I was struggling just as much as he was! "What's wrong old man? Got too weak to throw a blow properly?" I shouted at him, after all, if I don't aggravate my opponent then my name isn't Atlas! He looked back at me with a smirk and said I fight like an old woman pouring a tea kettle. HAHA DAMN YOU OJIN! NOW WE'RE TALKIN! This time I knew it was time to let loose a little, I charged with a fake-out kick but seemed like he knew I was going to do that, he moved towards the fakeout as an attempt to throw me off guard but that doesn't work so easy on yours truly! I rounded the kick to move over his head and let me move behind him. Without a second to waste I threw a left cross but just like always this damned old man blocked it without breaking a sweat. This couldn't keep up and I knew the more we fight the more we're burning energy like this. I hate repetition but I made it in such a way we're back to close combat clashing, blow for blow, kick for kick, block to block... God this was irritating.

With both of us starting to catch our breath, we quickly push each other away. While trying to regain control of my breathing, there was something the kept running in my mind; The way he was fighting during each clash... one right hook, one left jab, a right and left cross, and to finish it off either a roundhouse kick or just a normal angle kick. If I can analyze the pattern a bit more I should be able to find an opening to break his defenses and land a strike on him however he'd continuously charge at my head if he sees me using the Batourai. I've got an idea but this is gonna be one hella risky one. I charge at him with full force but instead of countering I took the damned hits and fuck he hits way harder than I remember. It's like getting hit by 4 trucks at once... With that out of the way, I wait for the right moment... AND I STRIKE! I activated the Batourai and found an opening as he's drawing his leg up so with that I used a technique Empress taught me. I breathe in and focus my eyes on his celiac plexus and land one powerful blow. It managed to send him flying back!

(You can stop the music now ^_^)

"HAHA SUCK ON IT OJIN!" I laughed with joy! I mean come on he went FLYING!

"You are yet still a boy with untrained eyes..."

WHAT?! HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME? HOW? He swept my leg off the floor and struck me straight on the chest... the impact was that strong it made me bounce off the fucking floor... I could feel my eyes starting to close which meant I hit my limit... Damn it. Hey I mean at least I managed to hit the fucker right? I couldn't make out all the words but I can piece them together. "I was right about you being weak my boy. You must find the one who made you the God you once were. Find her to seek your vengeance you so wish to fulfill. If you are not able then I suppose we shall meet again but with no more redos. Good luck Atlas. God speed."

Heh... Damned bastard, I guess I should be a bit open to him...

"Heh... Ojin st-still got the mouth *pant* of a damn owl..." 

With my conscience starting to fade I slowly started to remember her. . . My first love. She taught me a lot when we had our time together. Though it may have been short she made a temperamental bastard like me show kindness and compassion. As time flew she realized she wanted to be on her own to grow and experience life before having a full relationship. Regardless of how painful the wish was my lovestruck self still accepted her wish and tried to be a friend. It was hard at first but I really tried and with time I somehow managed to close my heart and see her joy come forward as she becomes the woman that would take the world by storm. Sadly I'll never get to know why I can't be a part of it. . . Well, I don't even know why I was cast aside but maybe. . . I still blame myself for being the cause of pushing her away. Love has taken me far hasn't it? I still thank you for the memories that have made me a better person. For now though. . .

"Be prepared Fuckwad. I'm coming to settle the 15-year-old feud once and for all!"

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