RN Paolo Emilio

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Name: RN Paolo Emilio

Ship: Paolo Emilio Class Destroyer

Ship: Paolo Emilio Class Destroyer

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Primary: Eight 135mm guns in 4x2 turrets

Anti-Aircraft Armaments: 2×2 13.2 mm/76 Breda 1931 AA Guns and 4×6 20 mm/70 Breda 1941 AA Guns

Torpedos: Twelve torpedo tubes in 3x4 launchers, giving her up to an eight Torpedo broadside


Paolo is pretty reckless and tomboyish, being nicknamed "Yolo Emilio" due to her reckless battle tactics


Sol Invictus: Paolo Emilio (and other Sardegnan warships if she deploys with them) receives a major damage boost against enemy warships at the cost of slightly reduced accuracy; Paolo also receives an hp modifier to make her one of the most tanky destroyers on the field

Emergency Engine Power: Paolo receives an engine boost, pushing her to upwards of 60 knots in speed


First Meeting: "RN Paolo Emilio at your service!"

Battle: "Imma do what's called a pro gamer move"

Other: (nah)

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