Soundless Voice (SKZ-ChangLix) (1/3)

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This is a 3 part one shot. Introducing part 1/3 CHANGLIX SKZ Angst.

Soundless Voice

*Changbin's P.O.V!*

Inside a town that's cloaked in silence

I look back at our little town, before feeling a small tug and moving farther away as the snow falls.

It is cold in the night
And nothing moves but the snow
I hold my hand palm up to catch it

I raise my hand gently palm up.

But I know there is only so
long before it's gone just like
A life passed away...

I look at you as you lead me to the big tree on the hill, our favorite spot.

Soundlessly the snow keeps piling

Shining brightly
And so lightly
You smile at me

You turn your head slightly, smiling and giggling as you catch my gaze.

Can you hear me speak right now?
I can scream, I can shout, but
the roaring silence of snow
Only drowns it out

Your hearing was the first to go because of your sickness, but as the days passed, you lost your taste and smell.

Won't you let me share
your pain with you?
Don't be lonely, 'cause
I'm here with you
Doesn't matter where you are...
I'll be right there for you

I want to tell you this everytime you sing a sad song when you think you're alone.

So as long as you are here with me
Please just don't go anywhere
Haven't we always agreed
Without each other we are incomplete?

I remember the promise we made when we were 10, that we'll always have each other. We're only 27, why can't you live longer?

With the snow that's falling
down still more and more
Your life is slowly slipping away
I hold you close to me just
praying that you'll be okay

I yell out as you collapse a few feet from the tree. I rush to your side, scooping you into my warm arms as you get colder.

If I could just have one wish then
surely I would want to hear your voice

*Please don't go, please God, save him....please....*

Even one more time
(Just one more time - even
one more time, so please)
Call out to me

I hold you as you shiver, sobbing when I look into your cloudy eyes.

Staring blankly at each other

And your eyes are
clouded over
A droplet appears

You smile sadly as you stare back, blankly. You can't see my tears and the fear or hear my screams and begs.

All the world has lost its color
Time has stopped; we are not
moving as we should anymore
But the snow falls on

I curse, the snow continuing to fall gently as you try to speak, but no sound comes out.

You feel colder than you ever should
And I know your voice is gone for good

You smile as you mouth my name on your blue lips.

Why can't I give warmth to
you... What is there I can do??
Listen to me when I talk to you,
Won't you smile again for me?

I whisper, despite knowing you can't hear or see me

Though I have run out of tears to cry
I still have found no way to save your life...

If I could just take this voice and give it to the person who is dearest to me

"I love you Lee Felix, I love you....please...."

Then take it all away right now
and save him, won't you please...?

I'm screaming and begging the sky, the heavens, someone to save my beloved.

In a world where you are no longer there
I'm just a broken piece who
can't find his place anywhere

I feel my heart break as you slowly close your eyes.

(If it's like this... then hear my wish...)
Please take me there with you

I sob louder, cradling you as the cold starts to seep into my heart.

I just want to tell you that

I love you so, so much, but
you won't hear it, I know
Our time together in this world
will soon draw to a close

I whisper over and over again as I kiss your forehead and rock us gently.

Even if I scream and shout
to you, it is no use
You'll never speak or hear me again...


I feel my vocal chords hurt as I wail loudly.

If the snow keeps falling down,
then keep on falling
'til the world is muted in white

I feel so numb, shivering as it starts to turn to night.

There's nothing left for me so
please take me right by his side...

If it is to end one day
Then please erase it all
'til everything in this life

I hiccup, carefully picking you up and walking the rest of the way to the tree.

Turns to white

I lay you against the tree trunk like you're sleeping, before kissing your forehead and cuddling beside you before passing out.

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