Chef Pee Pee Goes On Strike!

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Boss: Hey Chef Pee Pee!

Chef Pee Pee: What do you want Boss?

Boss: Is the food ready yet?

Chef Pee Pee: Ok, I'm preparing to make you guys some burgers.

Boss: Then, do it fast!

Chef Pee Pee: I'm sorry what did you say?

Boss: I said you better do it fast or I'll get impatient!

Chef Pee Pee: Ok fine! Geez!

Boss: go.

Boss left the kitchen.

Chef Pee Pee: Man, I'm so tired of working with Boss! I don't know why I moved into this house in the first place!

Boss: Hey! Chef Pee Pee! I heard you over here! The reason why you moved into this house because you agreed to take care of Junior together after dropping out of collage!

Chef Pee Pee: But now I regret it! Hm... how can I make them redeem? I think I got one.

Boss: Hey Chef Pee Pee! Is the food ready yet?!

Chef Pee Pee: What?! I was preparing myself to make one!

Boss: You haven't start cook it yet! Well then hurry up!

Chef Pee Pee had an enough.

Chef Pee Pee: You know what? Boss! I'm tired of you yelling at me and tell me to cook faster! Do you even care about my mental health?!

Boss: What?! I don't even care about your mental health, you better start cooking now or else-

Chef Pee Pee: No! Guess what? You and Junior need to treat me better or else...

I'm gonna quit!

Junior: Dad? What's going on here?

Chef Pee Pee: Well Junior! You better start acting nice toward me because I'm gonna leave this house if you both keep doing it!

Boss: That's it!

You. Are. Fired!

Chef Pee Pee: Huh? What?

Junior: D-dad?!

To be continued...

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