Chef Pee Pee's Depression

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Continue from Chef Pee Pee Goes on Strike!

Boss: That's it!

You. Are. Fired!

Chef Pee Pee: Huh? What?

Junior: D-dad?!

Boss: Yes, Chef Pee Pee! You are fired! Now get out of my house!

Junior: W-what?! Dad! I didn't know you're going to fire Chef Pee Pee!

Boss: Shush, Junior! He deserved that!

Chef Pee Pee: You can't be that serious! You never even said you're going to fire me!

Boss: No more second chance! Now get the hell out of this place!

Chef Pee Pee: Well, fine. Whatever. I don't need this house anyway. I'll be better off with just myself.

Chef Pee Pee then walked out of the house.

Junior: Do you think Chef Pee Pee will be alright just by himself?

Boss: I'll be fine, like I'd love to see him dead.

Junior went back to the living room, sitting on the red couch.

Junior: I can't believe Dad fired Chef Pee Pee! Why are we getting food now? Maybe, Jeffy's dad can be the new chef? I mean he can cook well too, better than Chef Pee Pee. Maybe I'll call Cody to talk about this.

Junior took out his phone and started calling Cody.

Junior: Cody? Are you there?

Cody: Oh hey Junior! You're calling me to call my mom a fatass pig?

Junior: No,'d love to call your mom a fat pig...but Dad fired Chef Pee Pee...

Cody: Haha, great...wait what?! Your dad fired Chef Pee Pee?!

Junior: was pretty sudden. Oh he also kicked him out of the house.

Cody: But where will Chef Pee Pee live?

Junior: I don't know...

Meanwhile with Chef Pee Pee...

Chef Pee Pee was walking through the street alone.

Chef Pee Pee: Stupid Boss...Stupid Junior...Stupid...everyone in the house! I don't need them all! I can survived on the street on my own!

Then, rain began to fall.

Chef Pee Pee: Huh, this can't get worse.

Then, heavy rain fell.

Chef Pee Pee: Oh, just f*cking great.

Meanwhile with Marvin...

Marvin was going in the kitchen to look for Chef Pee Pee.

Marvin: Hey Chef Pee Pee? Where're you? Hm...where did he go? Maybe I'll ask Boss.

Marvin then went to Boss's room.

Marvin: Hey, um...Boss? Have you seen Chef Pee Pee anyway?

Boss: (Oh, crap. I think Marvin's gonna find out that I fired Chef Pee Pee! Should I lie to him?)

Boss: Oh yeah, I fired him. He was annoying as hell.

Marvin: You what?!

Boss: Yes I fired Chef Pee Pee! I don't want him around this house anymore!

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