Richard's Punishment! (17+)

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Warning: This one is kinda disturbing for many readers due to child abuse.

The Goodman Mansion

It was another day for the Goodman family. Richard was listening to music with his airpods sticking to his ears on his MP3 player, and then suddenly his dad Mr. Goodman stomped in, all pissed off, slapped the hell out of him as his airpods being slapped off.

Goodman: Richard! What the f*** did you do with my money yesterday?!

Richard: Dad, what the hell? I was listening to my damn MP3 player.

Goodman: Answer that question, NOW!!!

Richard: Geez, dad. Alright I'll tell you. I wasted all my money away to some people. I get it, they're a bunch of poor jerkasses. But I have hearts on them, unlike you.

Goodman: You give money away to the poor people?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!?!?! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THIS!!! THOSE ARE MY PRECIOUS MONEY!!!!

Richard: Dad, you never give some to them. Especially you're trying to loan some guy in red and a blue tie into debt! How are you supposed to tell this if you never give them away?

Goodman: ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT!!!

Goodman suddenly grabbed Richard by the shirt and threw him at the ground.

Richard: Agh! Dad, what the actually f***?!

Goodman: Richard, you're grounded! That means you're not getting my money for a day! NOW GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM BEFORE I'LL DRAG YOU ALL BY MYSELF!!!

Richard: Ok! Ok! Dad! I will!

Richard quickly ran upstairs and went into his room.

Richard: F***ing hell, I got grounded ALL BECAUSE I GAVE MONEY TO POOR PEOPLE!!! I wish I wasn't spoiled rotten and lived a normal life.

Chives then entered Richard's room.

Chives: Hey, um...I heard some rambling downstairs and I saw you running back into your room. Is something wrong?

Richard: Don't you how to knock?!

Chives: O-oh! I'm sorry, kid. I just want to check up on you.

Richard: Can you please leave me alone? I'm grounded again.

Chives: Wait, you're grounded?

Richard: Yeah! My dad got pissed because I gave some of his money away to some poor idiots!

Chives: Hey, kid. Don't listen what your dad is saying. You can do whatever your want. Just don't let your dad finds out.

Richard: R-really? You...I never have someone help me out...I guess you're right...


Chives: Oh um...yes, master! Sorry kid, I-I have to go now!

Chives quickly went downstairs and saw Goodman standing next to him.

Goodman: Jeez, Chives. What's taking so long?!

Chives: What, master! You just call me downstairs a few seconds ago?

Goodman: Chives, what are you doing inside Richard's room?

Chives: You see, master. I saw Richard earlier went inside his room. I asked him what's wrong and he told me he was grounded for giving money to the people in needs. The way you ground him is a bit too far. He just wanted to help everyone! Make things better. At least.

Goodman: What the f*** are you talking about? Out of my way! I'm gonna kick the sh** out of him!

Chives: Wait! Master! Don't do it!

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