Mr. Goodman's Secret!

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Previously on Richard's Punishment!...

Goodman: Richard, you're grounded! That means you're not getting my money for a day! NOW GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM BEFORE I'LL DRAG YOU ALL BY MYSELF!!!

Richard: Ok! Ok! Dad! I will!

Richard quickly ran upstairs and went into his room.

Richard: F***ing hell, I got grounded ALL BECAUSE I GAVE MONEY TO POOR PEOPLE!!! I wish I wasn't spoiled rotten and lived a normal life.


Chives: You see, master. I saw Richard earlier went inside his room. I asked him what's wrong and he told me he was grounded for giving money to the people in needs. The way you ground him is a bit too far. He just wanted to help everyone! Make things better. At least.

Goodman: What the f*** are you talking about? Out of my way! I'm gonna kick the sh** out of him!

Chives: Wait! Master! Don't do it!

Goodman quick went upstairs and stomped into Richard's room.


Richard: It's not what it looks like, dad! You just don't know any better!

Goodman: YOU KNOW WHAT?! I HAD IT!!!

Goodman picked up Richard again by the shirt and pressed him into the wall and start beating him.

Richard: Dad! Stop this!


Chives: Master! Stop beating him! He's your kid!

Goodman: Shut up, Chives! After I finished the job, you're up next!

Chives: If you don't stop beating him, I'm gonna call the cops!

Goodman then stopped beating Richard and threw him back the ground, walking toward Chives.

Goodman: Oh so, you wanna call the cops on me? You can't arrest me! I got money to bail myself out!

Chives: Oh yeah? Maybe the security camera you installed inside your son's room will know!

Richard: Chives? Why are you doing this?

Chives: I want you to be safe, now quick! Jump out the window now!

Richard: What? I might die!

Chives: Just go! I promised, you'll be ok.

Richard quickly climbed out the window and managed to land safety into the bushes.


Joseph: Jeez, dude! What happened?!

Richard: It's a long story.

Junior: Um, why don't you come in?


Marvin: Wait, you're the son of Goodman?

Richard: Yes, I am.

Marvin: Ok tell me, what happened to you.

Richard: So, I gave money to the poor and I got grounded for doing this, and then my butler comforted me about this but my dad found out and tried to beat me up to death. My butler threatened to call the cops which gave me a chance to escape, I jumped out the window and landed into the bushes but these spikes gave me a lot of cuts. I noticed that I have nowhere to live so this house is the only thing I could find.

Marvin felt his anger rising up when he heard Richard's story.

Marvin: Thanks for telling me about this, I'll go talk to Goodman right now!

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