Chapter 38

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Another Universe, Ray’s POV

A year has passed since I lived in this universe, now I’m a 3rd year in my highschool. I was quite happy living here, there has been only peace without conflict. That is until it happened again, the Honkai Eruption.


An explosion was heard, I quickly look out the window to see what was happening. Buildings exploded, and a familiar energy appeared.

Honkai ?!

I look around and see that the students are still normal, I noticed that Kevin was calling for me from out of class. I stood up and grabbed Mobius’s hand, we were just eating our lunch together.

Mobius : “R-ray ?”

Ray : “We gotta go.”

I got out of the class, and ran towards the stairs. Kevin wave his hand from the upper stairs, I went to him.

Ray : “Where’s Mei ?”

Kevin : “She’s still in the library !”

Ray : “Go to her ! We have to get out of the school !”

Kevin nodded and ran to the library, I look back to see Mobius has a confused expression.

Mobius : “R-ray, w-what’s happening ?”

Ray : “Calm down, I don’t know as well. But, it seems dangerous to stay here. We have to go.”

Mobius took a moment to caln herself down, she then nodded to me which I nodded back. We started running towards the entrance, but the door was locked.

It’s locked ? Strange...

Mobius : “The door is locked !”

Ray : “What’s the other way out...”

Think Ray, think ! Wait... Rooftop... I remember something about it...

Ray : “Let’s get to the rooftop.”

We started running, but I quickly pulled her hand back to behind a locker.

Mobius : “Ra-?!”

I quickly put my hand on her mouth, silencing her. She look at me with a confused face, I moved my head towards the hallway.

Zombies starting to walk out of the classrooms, it’s not a lot but it scared some students to the point they’re paralyzed to move.

Mobius : *Whisper* “Zombies ?!”

Ray : “Let’s try the main stairs then.”

I grabbed her hand and we quickly ran to the main lobby of the school, I noticed the stairs are empty but there’s blood stains on the handle.

I hope Kevin and Mei are safe...

I thought as I started to walk up the stairs carefully with Mobius behind me, luckily there is no one on the stairs. So, we got to the second floor and moved towards the library to see them.

I opened the door slowly-


And quickly ducked, dodging a chair.

Kevin : “Ray ?”

It was Kevin, he just swing the chair.

Kevin : “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t expect it was you.”

Ray : “No, it’s okay. What you did was right.”

He offer me a hand and I took it, I stood up and look back.

Mobius !

I grabbed Mobius’s shoulder and pulled her inside, she ducked a bit because of my sudden action as I punched the zombie behind her.

I quickly closed the door, and locked it. Mobius was still on the floor so I offer her a hand, she took it and stood up.

Mobius : “T-thank you, Ray.”

I nodded and walked toward the main area of the library, I noticed there is a zombie corpse on the floor. I also noticed some fragments of a chair, and a broken chair.

I looked at my three friends, they are confused and worried. I understand it, after all this is quite sudden and unbelievable.

I wanted to calm them down, but I can’t. I grabbed my phone and tried to dial my parents, the others noticed what I was doing and did the same.

*Tiiit* *Tiiit* *Tiiit*

There’s no asnwer, I can feel myself starting to panic. I tried to call them over and over again, but the results is the same.

I can feel my mind is slowly losing focus, my heart is beating faster and faster. My eyes are becoming teary, and my hand is forming a fist.

Come on... Please... Please... Answer the call... Mom... Dad... Answer the call ! Please... Please...

I finally gave up, I put my phone down and sat down with my face looking down. I can feel tears coming out of my eyes, I know this will happen.

But... I didn’t expect it to happen now, after all I can’t predict the future. I feel a hand on my shoulder, it was Mobius’s.
She was crying, but she’s trying her best to smile even though she failed. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her, both of us then continued crying.

After that, I released the hug. I look over to Kevin and Mei, their eyes were wet as if they just finished crying.

Ray : “We need to get out of the school.”

Kevin : “The front entrance ?”

Mobius : “It’s locked.”

Mei : “How about... The back door ? We can climb over the fence right ?”

Ray : “But, we need a key to open the back door.”

Kevin : “Maybe the key is in the teacher’s office ?”

Mobius : “That means we should sneak in there.”

Ray : “But, we don’t know if the office is filled with zombies.”

Kevin : “There’s only one way to find out, let’s get there now.”

Ray : “What do you mean ?”

Kevin smiled as he points at a vent, I noticed what he meant by it.

Mobius : “Wait, isn’t that kinda su-“

We looked at Mobius, she stopped before she said the word. I let out a smile, it’s good we can calm down ourselves now.

Ray : “Well then, who will go ?”

Kevin : “Are you two good being here, waiting for us ?”

Mei and Mobius nodded, I then started searching for the ladder that is used to grab books at higher places.

I found it and moved it toward the vent, I got up and opened the vent. I looked at Kevin behind me and he nodded. I crawl inside the vent, we crawled until we see one of the teacher office’s table through the vent hole. 

I tried to open the vent door to it, I quickly grabbed it before it fell and made a noise. Kevin put his head out and look around, he gave me an “okay” sign.

We got out of the vent, we then got to the door and locked it. After that, we started searching for the key. Which we found not long after, we than got back to the vent and crawl back.

We got out of the vent, we got down the ladder and walked back to the main table which Mei and Mobius are. They saw us and let out a relief breath, we then disscussed about what is our next move.


We have successfully got out of the school and now are walking toward my house as it’s the closest to school, but after a while of walking...

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