The Junior in The Hat!

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Junior: So guys, what do we do today?

Joseph: I don't know dude!

Junior: Hm...yesterday, we made a new friend called Scooter. He just looked like Jeffy. And it turned out that he's from another world.

Joseph: Then, what are we gonna do about him?

Junior: Oh! I know! I'll pretend to be his dad!

Cody: What? What are you talking about?

Junior: I'll pretend that to be Jeffy's dad that came from another universe where he and Jeffy's roles were swapped!

Cody: That's not how gonna work...

Junior: Oh! You'll see...

Junior left the living room.

Cody: I got a bad feeling about this...

Joseph: Oh come on, Cody! Just let him doing that prank!

Cody: I guess so.

Back inside his room, Junior removed his bib and wrote Jeffy's dad name on it.

Junior: Alright, I think Jeffy's dad's name And now for the mask.

Junior put on a mask that resumed Marvin.

Marvin Disguise Junior: And done! Time to meet Jeffy!

Living room, downstairs

Jeffy: Hey Scooter! Tell me about yourself!

Scooter: Well, I love riding my scooter!

Marvin Disguise Junior: Hey guys!

Jeffy: Wah! Who are you?!

Marvin Disguise Junior: You don't know who am I? I am Marvin! Marvin from another timeline where Jeffy is my dad instead!

Jeffy: But I'm Jeffy! Oh wait, you're from another timeline? Ok.

Scooter: What? Another one? How do you come to this timeline?

Marvin Disguise Junior: Oh um, I was walking and then some portal sent me here and I wanted to find a place to live so I decided to stay in this house.

Marvin: Hey, what's going on? W-what?! Who are you?!

Marvin Disguise Junior: I'm you! From another world! Jeffy is my dad instead of me! Look at my shirt!

Marvin: I-I...What's going on right now?!

Junior: Ok! Fine! I give up! I am actually Junior!

Junior took off the mask.

Marvin: Why do you dress up like me?!

Junior: It's a prank!

Marvin: Don't you use that prank excuse! You're trying to fool Jeffy!

Junior: What no! I'm not! Hey what's that?

Marvin: Where?

Junior: RUN!!! *Ran away from Marvin*

Marvin: Hey get back here! *Chased after Junior*

Jeffy: Wow, that costume Junior made is well-made.

Scooter: Yeah same. And he's trying to fool us.

Jeffy: Say, I want to put that on.

Jeffy put the mask on.

Jeffy: Hey guys! I'm Daddy!

Scooter: That's so funny, Jeffy!

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