The Consequences of Dating a Vampire

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Jacob leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head away as I felt my jaw reshaping itself.

"What's wrong baby?" Jacob asked, gently taking my chin and pulling my face back to face him.

"I'm so thirsty," I whispered, my throat sore and dry.

"When was the last time you fed?" he asked, clearly concerned.

"Last week," I replied, pulling my chin out of his grasp.

"Last week!?" he exclaimed, "baby, you told me you have to feed at least every other day!"

"I do but..." I trailed off.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I don't want to hurt anybody," I whispered.

"You won't, you have so much control."

"My saliva was supposed to heal you Jacob and it didn't work. In all my years of being a vampire, that has never happened. What if I feed on someone else, and it doesn't work again? I can't just leave some poor person bleeding in the street."

"What about blood bags?"

"I haven't used blood bags since I started feeding on you and I did consider it but I don't think I could handle being in a hospital with that much blood around me while I steal them."


"It's fine Jacob, I'll be fine."

"Feed on me again."

"No! I hurt you once already, I can't risk doing it again."

"Fine, I'll make you," he walked over to the desk and started doing something with his back towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked quickly.

Suddenly the scent of his blood hit me.

"No!" I cried, "stop it, I wont be able to stop myself."

He turned to face me, blood pooling in his wrist and my face contorted once more. I sped over to the door, the furthest place from him, and pressed myself against it. My jaw was aching with hunger and saliva pooled in my cheeks. Every fibre of my being wanted to speed over to him and tear into his flesh. But I couldn't let myself do that, I couldn't hurt him.

"Stay. Back," I warned.

"No," he replied, slowly walking towards me.

"Jacob stop!" I shouted, "I don't want to hurt you."

"Anyssa, it's fine, I trust you."

"But I don't, please stop," I begged.

He stopped, inches from my face and held his wrist up for me to smell. I turned my head away from him, holding my breath. Don't do it Anyssa. Don't. Do. It.

"I trust you," he whispered. I looked into his eyes and saw his words reflected back in them. "I love you baby, you can do it, you need this, I trust you."

I moaned slightly.

"Go on baby," he whispered. "I trust you."

I couldn't control myself any longer. I grabbed his wrist with both hands and pushed it hard against my mouth, sucking gently to encourage the blood to flow into my waiting throat. As I drank, he sighed in pleasure, a lucky consequence of feeding on humans. The feeling of the blood sliding down my throat was almost euphoric and I began to moan into his wrist as the small cut he'd made opened up beneath my lips. I didn't want to stop.

I could feel the blood flow slowing slightly and Jacob's stance faltered as his knees became weak. I knew he would soon tell me to stop as he always did and I savoured my last few gulps. Jacob grabbed onto the wall with his other hand to steady himself and I knew I should stop, but he hadn't told me to yet. He winced slightly and I could tell he was holding on as long as he could. I was just so thirsty.

"Stop," he whispered, a noise so insignificant that I wouldn't have heard him if I wasn't listening out for it.

I took a few last sucks before reluctantly unlatching myself. I automatically cleaned up the area with my tongue, licking up the few drops of blood that had escaped to the sides of his wrist.

"Thank you," I said looking up at him. He was leaning on the wall breathing deeply and I quickly sped him onto the bed so he could lay down. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I just need a minute," he replied.

Suddenly I noticed I couldn't smell fresh blood anymore which could only mean... I looked down a his wrist to discover that my saliva had healed both his wound from last week, and the fresh one from today.

"I told you you could do it," he said, smiling up at me.

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