Dangerous path

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~Current time~

After a long shower, I changed and put on my two necklaces. Her King, his little princess. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. Before walking to the kitchen, I eyed my mother, passed out on the couch.

I went to the kitchen and opened a draw, grabbing the key and opening the pantry. I grabbed a small snack, locking it again and putting the key back where I found it.

I slipped out the house and began my way to college. It was my first day. It took only 6 months for my pathway into this course.

You see, I didn't get a high enough score to get into a college straight away, so I had to to another course to get in. It only took 6 months like I said and this time I did better.

I decided on atomic physics and also biology, study of the body.

I looked up from my timetable to the door. This was my class. I entered and everyone stared at me.

'Ahh, you must be the new student'. I turned to the teacher of the class. Mechanical arms hovering behind him, two on each side. Dr Otto Octavius. 'Well, why don't you introduce yourself to the class'. I looked to the students.

'Hello... I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)'. People started whispering. I seat in an empty seat that was at the back and took out my text book along with my note book.

I listen and copied everything that he said and wrote on the black board. I glanced around the room and caught the eye of a whispering student.

She would whisper to her friends beside her and they would all glance up at me.

'Miss Jones, is there something you like to share to the class'? The doctor asked. She looked at me again.

'Weren't you that little girl on the news 14 years ago', she asked. Everyone looked up at me.

'Miss Jones, this is hardly the time for that. This is atomic physics not criminology'.

'I know sir but she's already the talk of the class. So what happened in that year'? My eyes darkened.

'That's enough now. This is out of class talk'. She scoffed at me before looking back at the front.

When class was dismissed, I was told to stay back.

'Please read chapter 1 of your text book, I will be testing you next lesson', he said as the students made their way to the door. He turned to me. 'So, how do you think of your first lesson'?

'Interesting. I found a book on atomic physics in the attic of my house, in a box of my father's things'.

'I would like to meet him one day then, we can share something'. I raised an eyebrow.

'Anyway, I have another class to get to'.

'Two courses'?

'Biology... the study of the body'. I walked passed him.

~Author's POV~

The only thing Otto thought was that she wanted to be a doctor to help people. And that was totally understandable.

(Y/n) returned home after all her classes. Her mother woke from the closing of the door.

'Where were you'?

'At school, mother'. She looked at her.

'You're a mess, where did all this paint come from'?

'I got a part time job remember... I work... at the age care, they paint and I paint'. She slapped her. 'What was that-' she slapped her again.

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