Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday

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They were careful to avoid any signs of life on the walk, aside from a few stay cats.

Regulus tried to pet every one.

Once they reached the right place Regulus' eyes widened at the sight, the home itself was quaint but the decorations were as over the top as Rose promised, multicolored and elaborate while still being tasteful.

They sat in the darkness on the grass across the street, they'd stopped to look at a few other houses on the way, but this particular one never disappointed.

After watching the lights play through their little dance a few times Regulus yawned, it had been a long day for him.

Rose found herself looking at his features as he yawned, skin washed in color from the glow of the Christmas lights. Red and green hues danced across his face.

Her eyes settled on his lips, and she found herself wondering if Regulus had ever kissed anyone before, she figured that much like herself he most likely hadn't.

She pushed that thought aside and cleared her throat.

"We should uh- start heading back." She said standing and pulling the boy up with her.

He yawned once more.

"Shhh" She whispered as she shut the front door as quietly and gently as possible behind them.

"We have to be super quiet okay? Walk carefully." She continued as they made their way up the stairs, she had to stifle a giggle as Reg sleepily made his way up the stairs and back into her room.

When they first entered the room Rose let Regulus sit on her bed as she made a pallet for herself in the floor, a few blankets and pillows thrown together. Not ling after she abandoned that project, deciding it would be fine for them to share her bed.

"Rose, before I fall asleep, I did get you something."

"You did?" Rose said, she'd almost forgotten the date, despite the festivities around her.

Not to mention, as if things couldn't get worse for him, Rose remembered that Regulus' birthday was coming up on the 26th, only a day away since it was technically already Christmas day.

"I told mother it was for me. It's in the little box. Open it." He instructed while also explaining how he was able to get a gift for his muggle-born friend.

Rose took the box from her desk and did as she was told, inside was a shining silver ring.

Rose took it out of the box to inspect it further and found that "R.B." was engraved along the inside.

"I'm Rose, so what's the B for?" She asked as she slipped it on one of her fingers, it was almost too small, but luckily still fit.

A bit of pink grazed his cheeks.

"That's...well that's for me, I guess."

He didn't sound sure that B was for him.

"Right. Of course. Thank you, it's beautiful." She said moving her hand around in the moonlight to watch it shimmer.

It would not be the only ring she'd get from
him, but as far as she knew it was the only one actually made for her. The rest she'd take along the way.

Rose sat on the opposite side of her bed before speaking once more.

"You know- I'll have to take you to the cinema one day, or show you some muggle music, or both". Rose said as she got completely under the covers, once he did the same she sat up and held the blanket up with her hand.

"It's like a tent!" She exclaimed childishly, getting a sleepy look for Regulus in response.

"Rose, go to sleep." He said before curling up to do just that.

Rose let out a huff before cuddling up to her pillow on the other side of the bed.

"Goodnight, Reg." She said as she closed her eyes.


That night Rose noticed that Regulus sleeps on his stomach, which she thought was the weirdest thing ever.

The next morning the door burst open as Lily ran over to Rose's bed. Early morning sunlight beaming through the window and shining down on the two of them who had shifted closer to one another in their sleep. It was comfortable there, and warm.

"Merry Chri— ROSE EVANS!" Lily yelled.

Regulus groaned and tucked himself further under the covers, but Rose shot right up, practically jumping out of bed.

"Lily, quiet!" Rose whisper yelled at her sister.

"I knew I heard you in here talking to someone in here last night!" Lily yelled once more.

"Lily, be quiet!" She whisper yelled once more.

Lily shut the door behind her and crossed her arms over her chest. It was unlikely her mother or sister could understand what Lily had said from down stairs, but Rose was grateful for the closed door either way.

"What's a boy doing in here, Rose?" She asked pointedly. Looking at the spot where Regulus was, he stretched one under the covers before sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Regulus Black." Lily said with shock.

"I also go by Reggie on occasion." He said as he stood and stretched once more.

With how nonchalant he was acting he must have been sure his parents didn't noticed his absence, Rose was beyond worried they might have.

"What's he doing here, Rose?" Lily asked utterly confused.

"Trust me, Lils it's not something I can talk about, okay? Please just trust me and forget it?" Rose pleaded with her sister.

"I won't push...for now. I'll be in the kitchen with mum. Hurry up..." Lily said as she left the room.

"She means it, she's not gonna ask. She's good that way. Even if she's stubborn if she thinks it's serious she won't be pushy." Rose said reassuringly.

"Good. I should be going. I'll return the clothes to you when I can. Goodbye for now, Rose."

"Don't get yourself in trouble with my muggle stuff. Don't let anyone see." She said as she put her glasses on and removed the covers from herself. Then finally standing up.

"Merry Christmas Regulus, and Happy early Birthday." She said with a smile.

He acknowledged her with a look, but without another word he was gone.

A familiar scent lingered behind and Rose found herself wondering about how Sirius might be doing right now. She know for sure once they returned to Hogwarts.

Rose joined her family downstairs, Lily gave a knowing look, but kept her word on not bringing anything up again.

When it came time to return to school, going back to only sharing passing glances and silent hellos with Regulus hurt a lot more than it ever had before.

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