Versus the Mandarin

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Austyn could feel the intense burning in her veins when she woke up. It traveled from her arm to her cheeks, forcing her eyes open with the sudden rush of energy.


Her eyes locked onto the man responsible for her misery, a hard glare setting in her eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, kiddo. I'm giving you an upgrade that your daddy won't. Better, in fact." Aldrich Killian tisked.

"You're drugging a twelve-year-old little girl. I'd like to see you explain that one to the cops." Austyn sassed, eyes blinking slowly with sudden exhaustion.

"You see, Extremis utilizes a part of the human brain that no one has ever used. It's empty space just waiting to be filled with something. But you, my dear, are the first child exposed to Extremis. The possibilities are endless. You're my guinea pig while Miss Potts is my..." Killian trailed off, seemingly embarrassed.

"Trophy." Austyn sneered.

"Sir. The package has arrived in Miss Potts' room."

"Thank you. See you soon, Miss Stark."

Austyn let out a whimper as her nerves burned, sweat beading on her forehead.

Dad, I need you.

Her eyes slipped closed as she fell back into a restless doze.


An explosion and the feeling of falling woke her again, and her head hit the floor painfully. She cried out, the serum already working to heal her.

"Austyn?" Tony called out, landing in the opening.

"Dad." Austyn sobbed out, finding her shoulders free.

"I bet this is the best Christmas you've ever had, right?"

She laughed, tears streaming down her face.

"Hold on, honey. I'm gonna get you out." He proceeded to move the light debris that had pinned her down, freeing her completely. "Jarvis, exclude Austyn from targeted Extremis heat signatures. She's friendly."

Austyn took a shaky breath as her hands let off a menacing glow.

"When this is all done, I'm going to undo whatever that son of a bitch did to you. I promise, okay?" She nodded, looking out into the chaos.

"I think I'll just stay here. Pepper still needs you." She tucked her hands under her armpits, eyes wide and scared.

"I love you, Austyn. I'll send a suit to take you to the President." Tony opened the helmet, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"I love you, too. Now go save Pepper."


Austyn felt awkward next to the President of the United States. The older man regarded her with curiosity, not sure how to approach conversation.

"What's your name?"

"Like, my full name?" She questioned with a raised brow.


"Austyn Quinn-Stark."

"The likeness is uncanny. Nice to meet you, Austyn."

"You too, Mr. President."

Explosions started lighting up the sky like fireworks, catching their attention.

"They won. Those are the suits." She remarked.

Heat flashed through her body, forcing her eyes closed as the pain lingered.

"Are you alright?"

"I will be."


"Austyn, we need to talk." She looked up, seeing the grim look on her dad's face.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? What did Bruce find?"

"Because you're so young, Extremis took a much stronger hold on you than we expected. They did something to your doses, something that's resisting anything we try to do."

Austyn paled.

"Am I in danger?"
"No, that's the first thing that I fixed. The danger of explosion is gone. Now it's a matter of what we can do to try and get the rest of Extremis out."

"Killian said they added something from a lab called R&M. He said it was recovered from a plane crash years ago."

"R&M? Haven't heard that name for a while." Bruce Banner commented as he came into the room.

"What is it?"

"Not what. Who. Richard and Mary Parker, two of the greatest minds of the century that died in a plane crash when you were two."

"Wait. Parker as in..."

"Yes. Your friend Peter is their son." Tony confirmed.


"Their main project were some experimental spiders kept in lockdown once the project was deemed unsafe. Anyone the spiders bit died weeks after exposure. Various cancers and incurable diseases. We have most of them here, but it seems our old pal the Mandarin managed to snag some."

"They must have figured out the hitch in the DNA." Austyn mused thoughtfully.

"We already know what it is. Richard input his own DNA into them to keep them from falling into the wrong hands." Bruce said.

"But... Richard wasn't my dad. He's Peter's."

"Your mother was a very good friends with them. Killian could've taken the spiders that had her DNA and research in them instead. Spiders with super speed and various electric abilities."

Austyn looked at her hands.

"We're going to be here every step of the way. Any powers you develop over time will be monitored and recorded so we can make sure you're completely safe." Tony put his hand on her shoulder.

"I know. Just one question. Do I get a suit?"

"Don't push it, kiddo."

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