Chapter 1

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               Rachel Berry just moved to Lima Ohio from New York City. She gets up to go eat breakfast with her family before she has to get ready for school.  She was going to ask to join the glee club when she got to the school.  She goes back to her room so she could get ready for school. She goes to pick out her clothes and  get everything out for after her shower. She takes a fifteen minute shower then gets out and starts getting ready. 



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            She finishes getting ready so she grabs her black backpack and starts heading downstairs so she can head off to school soon

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            She finishes getting ready so she grabs her black backpack and starts heading downstairs so she can head off to school soon. So goes to get in her white convertible and sets off for school. She parks her car and locks it up then heads to the office to get her schedule. "Hey I am needing my schedule my name is Rachel Berry" she says. "Here is your schedule and a student of ours will be here in a minute to show you to your classes and all of that" says the secretary. After two minutes a boy shows up at the office. "Hi you must be Rachel Berry. I am Blaine Anderson I will be showing you to your classes and around the school. Can I see your schedule" he says. "Of course" she says. He looks it over. "Well we have the same thing. Not very many classes since we are graduating this year" he says. "I am glad that the school year is almost over. Do y'all have a glee club" she asks. "Yes we do. Do you want to try out" he asks. "Yes I would. I don't want to brag but at my old school I was in glee club and helped our school win every trophy. An I hope I can do that with y'all" she says. "We would love that we have practice after school so just follow me after the bell rings. So we only have dance class, art, and History. Our history teacher is our Glee teacher to just let you know" he says. He shows her around and takes her to her classes until the bell rings signaling that it is the end of the school day for some people. Blaine sees Rachel at her locker. "Hey Rachel are you ready for your tryout to get into glee club" he asks. "Yeah I just don't know what song to sing" she says. "Why don't you sing teenage dream by Katy Perry. Everyone will love it and if you knew how play piano you could even play it while you perform" he says. "That would be great thank you Blaine you have helped me so much. I don't know how to repay you" she says. "How about a date on Friday with me. I know it will be weird but I am falling for you already Rachel Berry" he says. "Of course I would and to be honest I have fallen for you too. I know we just meet but can we be boyfriend and girlfriend" she asks. "Of course. May I kiss you" he says. "Yes you may" she says. He gives her a small kiss than pulls away so he can walk them to glee practice. They hold hands on their way there. Blaine goes in first and everyone looks at him and sees a girl right behind him. "Blaine why are you late" he says. "I am sorry I know you know Rachel and all an I was showing her around today and we got talking well she wants to join glee club" he says. "Of course the more the merrier" he says. "Okay Rachel I will be sitting in the front and if you need help just look at me and motion me over. I know you will do great" he says and kisses her cheek. "May I use the piano Mr. Schuester" she asks. "Of course" he says. He goes to sit down. She sits at the piano hovers her hands over the piano and she just becomes really nervous. "I am sorry but can Blaine help me out" she asks. "Of course" says Mr. Schue. Blaine walks up to her. "You will be okay I saw you getting nervous. I will help you play the piano and you start singing then I will jump in at the chorus okay" he says. She nods her head okay. They start playing the piano then Rachel starts singing. 

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