Chapter Three

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Watching the fresh layer of paint dry on the walls was the most exciting thing I had done all day. Shelby had invited me over to see how things were going in the renovation process and somehow I got dragged into painting.

After coating the fourth and final wall with paint, I practically threw my body to the ground in fatigue, not caring that the surface was harder than my grandma's couch. I had started out the day with a long jog, then took a visit to an elderly friend, helping her around the house per usual, and now here I was, six hours of painting and cleaning and I was finally done.

The only thing keeping me from falling asleep on the floor of Shelby's new, toupe colored room, was the sound of rain hitting the roof. Pitter patter, pitter patter. I focused on the sound- before getting interrupted by the door slamming open.

"Emberly?" I sighed tiresome, hearing the voice of Jared as I could feel his eyes on me. Of course he was quizzical. He just walked in on me laying on the floor of his mother's house at almost midnight. "Sh-Should I leave or something?" I sat up grudgingly, shaking my head.

"No, just tired that's all." He walked over to me with an amused smirk and helped me up. I patted my clothes, getting the dust from earlier off of them.

"I'm going to act like I didn't just find you falling asleep on the floor of your neighbors house." He paused, "How about I get you outta here? We can go get some ice cream from Nancy's, you know? Like old times." With his beady eyes and toothy grin, I could barely refuse.

"I'd love to, but it's late and I've got to open tomorrow, I should probably get to sleep."

"Oh come on, don't be such a party pooper. There's a 24 hour ice cream shop down the street just waiting for us to take advantage of it." Sighing, I gave in.

"Alright. But not for too long because I can barely keep my eyes open."

It was like stepping into home as we entered the ice cream shop. I could remember these pink walls and blue boothes like you remember your first kiss. Jared used to take me here all the time as a kid. He would try to act like a gentlemen to impress me, opening doors, using a british accent-horrible one at that-to sound proper. Despite the fact I was six and he was eight. And yet here we were, 12 years later.

"Ah...the memories." Jared dazed, glancing around the small shop with a big grin. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the long glass cooler full of ice cream.

The cookie dough ice cream was heaven in my mouth. I savored every bite. I reached down to grab another spoonful when I noticed Jared's eyes were on me. I quickly looked up to meet his gaze. His expression was emotionless.

"What is it? Do I have ice cream on my face or something?" I started rubbing my face out of paranoia, but stopped when he smiled.

"No, it's just..." He paused and rubbed the back of his neck. "I missed us, you know?" I nodded my head, getting ready to say something, but quickly closed my mouth when he started again. "When I left, I made a big mistake. I left you here, with no one" Ouch. "But now here I am, as happy as ever. You're the reason for my happiness, you know that Emberly?" He had furrowed his brows with a soft smile on his face. I blushed and couldn't help but smile.

"If you think you're way with words is going to make me forgive you, you can forget it." I retorted, jokingly. He scoffed.

"All that for nothing! I just spilled my heart out to you!" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Jared, I'm sure I'm not the only reason you're happy. You got to see your mom after a few months.. and your sister who I know missed you. Not to mention this amazing ice cream." I said, taking another bite out of mine.

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