Chapter One

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The last thing she remembered, before washing up on the shore of some beach somewhere, was falling asleep on the plane. There was no telling how long ago that was, or even how far they had traveled in the air because she wasn't wearing a watch, she typically didn't. She did know that the sun was rising in the distance but that didn't really mean much other than what time it could possibly be. Another wave crashed into her, spurring her into attempting to sit up. As she pushed onto the sand with her hands, she felt a jolt of agony flair through her left hand and then arm. Crying out in pain she sat up and looked at it. There was no way her wrist wasn't broken. She pulled it close to her and struggled to get to her feet, only to realize that her right shoulder seemed to be dislocated.

"Fuck," She whispered. At least an injury like that could be fixed somewhat easily, by ramming herself into a tree or something along those lines, she would probably be able to jam it back into place. From where she was, she could see a jungle type area about two hundred yards in the distance. A place where the sand stopped and grass began, palm trees, brush, and other plants growing there. She started to walk towards it, stumbling a few times before regaining her balance. When she got to the first few trees she leaned against the bigger one and used it to lower herself back into a sitting position, already out of breath and coughing. Not that she was surprised because considering she'd somehow survived a plane crash she was in pretty good shape. She turned to look out over the beach. The waves were pushing up plane debris as well as luggage and in some cases body parts. Had she been the only one to survive? Maybe she was just the only one to get to an island. There was no telling what had happened.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. After a few minutes of this, she used the tree to get herself back up. She glanced at her injured shoulder and then back to the tree. It was really going to suck getting this thing back in the socket but she knew that she was going to have to do it or else there would be even more problems than if she didn't. It also wouldn't be easy to do but if she could get enough force behind throwing her body into the trunk of the tree, it could definitely be done.

"You can do this, Leila," She muttered, "You have to do this, you don't have a choice." Closing her eyes, she took in another deep breath before throwing her body shoulder first into the tree as hard as she could. She felt her shoulder slide back into place and even heard a pop as it happened but it was fucking painful. Screaming out, she fell to her knees, trying to catch her breath. Her vision started to tunnel as the world spun around her. Though she clung like hell to consciousness the best she could, it didn't work. She ended up fainting a few moments later, but she kind of welcomed the darkness once again.


"Hey...hey wake up." A man's voice was telling her as she was also being shaken a bit. The voice seemed very familiar but she didn't know why, it led her to believe she was dreaming at first. With a moan, she raised her good hand without opening her eyes to swat at whoever was bothering her. "Oh come on, you're the only person I've found here that isn't also a corpse." For whatever reason, this caused her brain to recall what was really going on. She wasn't dreaming or in bed she was on a beach. She'd passed out after getting her shoulder back into place by running into a tree. Her eyes opened and she looked up. A man was kneeling over her, he had a minor gash on his head, and a bruised eye. She started to sit up when he reached out to help her.

"You were on the plane too?" She muttered, "Don't remember seeing you there."

"I don't remember seeing you either, but I was on the plane." He replied. Slowly, he sat down in the grass by her side and she could see that something had happened to his leg. Whatever it was, he'd already seemingly taken care of it by wrapping a towel or something tightly around it but blood was soaking through. It made her wonder if he was going to need stitches or not. He would definitely need a new and better bandage than that.

Crash Into Me || A Seth MacFarlane AUWhere stories live. Discover now