Chapter Three

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She didn't know when she'd gotten into the tent the night before but at some point she obviously had. Maybe Seth had moved her, which was certainly possible but nothing she'd have advised with the condition his leg was in. She did know that he wasn't in the tent with her and as she sat up she could hear something outside. It sounded like gagging and retching. With a sigh, she pulled herself towards the entrance to the tent and unzipped it. As she crawled out, she saw him a few feet away kicking sand over what was more than likely vomit.

"You okay?" She called. He turned to look at her and stumbled, swaying on his feet a bit before catching his balance.

"Fine, think it was those pills." He said and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. She nodded and got to her feet to walk over to him. Her hand came up to check his forehead but he took a step back like he didn't want her to. "I might also have a fever."

"Can I see how hot you are?"

"Does it matter? We can't do much about it out here anyway." He pointed out. He wasn't wrong, and that kind of annoyed her but she didn't want to push it any further and be seen as a bitch. It wasn't as if the back of her hand could tell her the exact temperature and if he said he had a fever then he probably did. He certainly looked like it. The sun had started to rise over the horizon, so they had both gotten a decent amount of sleep. Or she had. It was questionable how much he had been up and down the night before. Nothing that disturbed her but the pill she'd taken would have kept her in a deeper sleep than usual.

"Well, we can get you to that river. The water is very cool there. It might help lower your body temperature a bit. Do you think you can walk that far?" She asked, stepping back over to the fire. The canteens were set out and as she picked one up she found that it was filled. She checked the other one, it had been filled too. He must have done it while she was asleep. "Did you get any sleep at all."

"Some but my leg is...well it's not important I'm fine." He said dismissively. She rolled her eyes, figuring that she was going to get one hell of a stubborn man here in denial that much was wrong with him until the point where he couldn't stand anymore. "I can make it to the river it's not that far."

"Good." She said and stood up, holding one of the canteens out to him. "Drink, a lot. But slowly. Vomiting it all back up won't be helpful."

"Are there any more of those pills?" He asked.

"The painkillers? Yeah probably. You'll want to take them with food though." She said. She could go for another one herself with how bad her wrist and shoulder were hurting but she wasn't going to pop two like she was sure he intended to. She opened the canteen and took a few gulps of water and sighed.

"I'll be fine." He assured her.

"Okay but if you puke them up I'm not giving you more." She told him and grabbed the bottle from the pile of pills that they had collected. "Have you been taking the antibiotic?"

"Yes," He said, "I'm sure that fucked up my stomach more than the painkillers." He reached out and took the bottle she was holding and opened it up. She was guessing he was right about the antibiotics messing with his stomach. She didn't have any idea about his tolerance to narcotics but he also seemed to know what he could and couldn't handle. That was all up to him. She took another few gulps of water and got back to her feet. She grabbed an empty backpack and started to pack stuff away into it. This included shampoo, soap, the tackle box, matches, and pot for boiling water. In the pocket she tucked the swiss army knife.

"Come on, we should get to the river we can clean up there." She told him. He nodded and after taking a moment to locate the path they had been following before, she started to walk with him close behind. As they moved, once again, she gathered up fruits that she could see from the sides of the path. There weren't as many that were obvious on that pass but that was because she'd taken a lot back on the night before. By the time they got to the river, Seth seemed like he could barely hold himself up. He very quickly moved over to a large rock and sat down on it. She set down her backpack and came towards him, putting a hand on his cheek. He was burning up. "You need to get into the water."

Crash Into Me || A Seth MacFarlane AUWhere stories live. Discover now