chapter 16

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Lmaooo i forgot to post this chapter 💀

As the sun rose in the east, everyone had woken up accept for you, you had both arm wrapped tightly around Avdol waist as he had one arm wrapped around you, your face was dangerously near his private area. He tried waking you up softly as your eyes narrowed in your sleep.

Joseph turn around from the front seat ,his hair was messy, he looked toward Avdol who tried to wake you up and then his eye landed on your sleeping form who has an angry face forming, he whispered yell toward Avdol " hey! Don't wake her up! ". Jotaro joined Joseph to look at you, "what's the problem old man? Why shouldn't we wake her up? ". Joseph gives Jotaro a scared face " last time i tried waking her up, she punched me and send me busted through several walls ". Hearing this, Avdol stopped trying to shake you awake as he looked at Joseph " then how do we wake her up? " . Joseph face turn into a serious one "you don't".

Despite the old man warn, Jotaro raise his hand toward you, as he shake you a little roughly, you groaned and pushed his hand harshly, " Yare yare daze... " as jotaro said that he began shaking you more rough, as Joseph went to hide away in the little space in the corner of their middle place. Your eyes shot open as a loud thunder  sounded, Jotaro pull his hand away as you both glared hard at each other.

"It's time to wake up woman" he said, you were still hugging a now tense Andol, you have an angered expression still glaring ar Jotaro, "i will be back. " you said loud enough for everyone to hear as you create a portal to the gods realm underneath you, not realizing you were pulling a certain egyptian man with you. With that you disappear along with Avdol as the portal closed before Jotaro eyes.

Jotaro turn around from his seat as his eyes landed on Joseph who was still trying to hide himself. "She's.. Gone with Avdol.. ". Hearing this Joseph went to sit properly as he looked at the back seat to make sure, he patted the dirt from his shirt " i guess we'll continue , they'll eventually come back later"

Kakyoin who saw all the ruckus happened trough the reflection of the rear view mirror,only shook his head as he said ,"we're on our own for now, i guess?.But on another note, we'll reach the Indo-Pakistan border in no time... We'll be saying goodbye to India very soon."

Joseph let out a low hum from his spot in the back, "Indeed. At first I wondered what kind of country we'd walked into, but now I miss the hustle and bustle of Calcutta, and the rushing water of the Ganges."

"(Y/n) is scary...she just summoned thunder out of no where,it really is lucky she was on our side. " said Polnareff. "I wonder what would happen if (y/n) didn't join us, its feel like our journey is less dangerous since she came around" said kakyoin. "Yeah you're right, but we shouldn't be to careless who know there might be an enemy who could actually fight (y/n) " added Joseph.

He was about to say more before Polnareff interfere "the road is getting narrower... "


Imma skip wheel of fortune and justice

Landing swiftly on your leg, you looked around the hallway as you realize the body you're carrying bridal style. "Ahh.. Muhammad i didn't mean to drag you here.. " you say, as you put him down on his feet.
He was too stunned to speak as he only nooded and looked around the hallway. Patting him on the chest "well you aren't supposed to join them anyway, imma go take a little more nap you can uhh do anything you want" leaving him you walk to your bedroom.

(Time skip cuz im lazy)

You woke up to see a rock hard chest in front of you, feeling the heat radiating from it, you figured out it was Esidisi. "Do you sleep well princess? You bring a visitor I see" he say as he pull you closer to his body. You let out a yawn , "visitor? " you were still loading as you remembered the Egyptian man you dragged along with you, you shot up straight as you struggling to get out of the blanket that had been wrapped around you " Muhammad!! Omg i completely forgot, did you all do something to him?? Where is he" finally getting out of the blanket, you stood up and speed walk to the sliding door.

Esidisi calmly stood up as he catch your wrist and turned you around facing him. "Don't worry princess he's being treated with one of your butler or how he prefer himself as your attendants". You looked at him confused "attendants? What do you mean? ". You are more worried now as you turned around and went out of your bedroom searching for the Egyptian man Esidisi followed behind you.

You walk thru the hallways finally at the door of the living room, you opened it as you witnessed the pillarmens and avdol sitting around the kotatsu table as one unknown person standing next to Avdol. The pillarmens we're telling Avdol about their past battle with Joseph as they see you standing at the sliding door. You decided to join them sitting around the table when suddenly the unknown man bow down to you saying" greeting supreme one, i your attendance has come to assist you " he  speak those word really fast as he have cold sweat on his forehead, you could hear the fear in his voice, 'hmm this may be one of god attendant ?is he kinda like the attendants that always by zeno side? ' you thought. Your thoughts got interrupted as he say " I will not hesitate to do any order you want supreme one! " while still bowing , afraid he break his back you patted his head, he flinched, you smiled at him as you said " thank you for taking care of Avdol for me, do you have any name i can call you? Also you can stop bowing now" he stood up stright at your word "i am the attendant venomse! Im just taking care of your people as you ordered before ! Please do not thank me! " he bowed again this time standing stright after. 'Alright i guess god is the one who gives the order, but wtf why is he so scared does god actually a cold calm evil type of god why is he so scared?? ' you thought.

Your thoughts got interrupted again as you heard kars voice , "well he did not actually listen to us though, he's only just stand there watching us and just randomly putting food on the table and he never talk to us". You looked at kars as you raised an eyebrow " really? " . He only nodded at you. "Ahh i see then i guess he only listen to me" you looked at venomse then at Avdol "anyway Muhammad imma send you to go buy uhh a submarine... "

You help him disguise gives him your card as you opened a portal for him to india since that's where he was last seen . You hugged him bye bye as he went in the portal.

"Now that been taking care off" you walk back to the living room, where every one is gathering well accept your attendant he was beside you all the time while you were helping Avdol. You plan to go back to the other once it's time to face the stand user the love, you have several days to stay in the gods realm since time moves really slow in there, you used it to get to know with your attendant making him comfortable around you until he's no longer flinching every time you call him and used the time spend time with your stands and practising new skill with them.

(Ayo i just wanna get to the next episode real quick, sorry if this is boring)

Several days passed It's finally time to go back to the other, you opened a portal showing The Crusader surrounding Steely Dan, its the part after he killed enyaba. You decided to appear behind him.

" since enyaba was connected to my sister death, Im pretty conflicted about this

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" since enyaba was connected to my sister death, Im pretty conflicted about this. But i will kill you. "Said Polnareff

"It'll be four against one ,but we won't hesitate"said Kakyoin.

" it'll be five if you add me" you added as you appeared behind Steely Dan.

You rest your hand on Dan shoulder, as he tensed , " do y'all miss me? " you said as you looked at the crusaders.

"(Y/n) you're back! " said all of them sync.

Bruh... Sorry guys :")

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