Chapter Five

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Five: Aspirations

The evening sun shone on the windows of the apartment, #3, Silicia Meadows as Ginny Weasley sat, cross legged on the floor. The orange-red-yellow streaked light reflected beautifully of off her short red hair. Her eyes paced back and forth reading a document. Occasionally, she would strike something off and scribble something else in it's place. The click of the oven sounded and she looked up. She sighed before getting up and walking over to the kitchen.

Ginny Weasley was no stranger to the muggle inventions now. She could perfectly use the kitchen appliances and knew how to write using a pen as well. In fact, she rarely used magic nowadays. Besides the occasional visits to The Burrow, she never visited any magical place - not even Diagon Alley.

She switched the microwave off and looked outside her windows. The sunset had made an array of the different shades of red. Birds were returning to their homes. Home. That word felt really foreign to the 24 year old witch. Indeed, five years had passed since that dreadful day when her husband got arrested. In order to leave her memories behind, she chopped off her long hair which her husband so loved. Of course, due to the magical law, they were now divorced and Ginny became the lawful owner of all of his shares and assets.

Being born in a struggling family, Ginny was not interested in his money or properties. She became a philanthropist by donating the money to the medical field. Shortly after that, she resigned from her post as a chaser reserve from the Holyhead Harpies. She had played in a couple of games when another chaser was injured and had earned a living from those games. Using that money, she now lived in a flat of her own, far away from magical Britain. In other words, she now resided in muggle London.

She had a fair job as an auditor in a muggle office named 'Smithson and Co.' She was still learning but she knew the basics. Taking arithmancy had an advantage now. She managed to make a couple of friends who seemed to be loyal to her but none were as good when compared to the friendship she had with Hermione, Luna and Neville.

She blinked back the tears that formed in her eyes as thoughts of her beautifully tragic past passed her mind. Turning her sight away from the setting sun and the beautiful sky, she walked out of the kitchen, the grilled chicken still in the oven for she was no longer hungry.

Her house was empty. Void of happiness and warmth. Sure, it was filled with things, furniture and photos of her family which did not include that noble git. She was not in the mood to entertain her already suspicious friends with her 'love life' if you could call it one. She longed for a day which she knew would never come. The day when she and that noble git named Harry could be together again. . .


Five years passed and Harry James Potter lived. He still did. He was waiting in vain for a day which he knew would never come. The day when he and the love of his life named Ginny could be together. . .

Harry, aged 25, sat on the icy cold floor of his home for five years. No one would consider Azkaban as their home. It was a damp, eerie and negative place filled with the haunted presence of the dementors but Harry had little to no choice. Five years back, he was arrested for a crime. A crime which he made for the greater good. Oh, how sad and miserable his state was.

His black hair was highly disheveled but it was not as messy as it was before. He had lost a tremendous amount of his hair to his worries. His green eyes were now dark. They reflected his sad past and present which he did not wish to replay. He looked paler and thinner than ever. Dark bags under his eyes showed the symptoms of his insomnia. The only reason for his miserable state was one damned lady who goes by the name of Umbridge. She was the reason for all of this. His health, his sadness, his Ginny's sufferings, everything! Oh, how terribly he wanted to cruciate her for making his Ginny suffer?!

He had heard, the day after his arrest, that spouses of convicts were divorced rather forcefully for 'their happiness and safety' which Harry highly doubted. This new 'law' obviously meant that he was no longer Ginny's husband. This thought in all shattered his heart into a million miniscule pieces that he was afraid that it would never be mended unless Ginny, herself married him once again if he ever got out of this damned place.

However, he knew one thing for sure. He might get out of this hell soon. Five years. . . The term of any high ranked minister was five years. This year might be the last of Umbridge's reign of terror. He highly doubted that even the Death Eater fools would vote for her. They would use her as a toy and later get her down. That was how the things worked when the ministry was corrupted. Oh, how much Harry hated corruption. He made a resolution that if he ever got out, instead of living a life of 'happily ever after,' he would live a secluded life in the muggle world with, if possible, Ginny.

Sure, he would send his kids to Hogwarts and all but he would never work in this magical community. The thought of him becoming a father, even if it was a vain wish, spread a smile across his pale face.

"Seems like you are reminiscing, Potter?" The familiar voice of Roberts Tinter came. Harry laughed out loud. "I have news."

"Not reminiscing. . . Or maybe I am." He said, smiling for the first time in several weeks. The last time he smiled was when heard from the same auror that the Weasley family won yet another lottery to Romania. This cheered him up as he partially got to know that his family were happy and enjoying their lives. He did not want any of them to think of him and brood for him. He never really meant for any of this to happen. However, one thing saddened him the most. There was no news about Ginny. This thought quickly sobered him and he sighed. A tiny fraction of hope still resided in his heart. He might get out of here and find her. He would apologize to her and ask her to marry him again. Yes, he would do it. As Roberts looked on in confusion and worry, he thought of his future. He would stay strong. That news could wait. For, Harry Potter was broken, but he was determined to stay brave.


Two hours later, Harry found himself interacting with another Auror by the name Lisa Halort. She too, just like Auror Roberts, was a double agent. She had brought the honest prisoners a very important news.

"The Ministry has fallen again. New elections shall be conducted in the next forty eight hours. I think your situation will improve for the better, eh?"

A small grin spread across the raven head's face. . .

Hey guys!
Okay, this was an optimistic end. Did you like it? The beginning of the story starts. . .


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