Chapter 2

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"I-I-I-I- I love you." Y/n said.

"You love me??" Brent said.

"Y-y-y-y-y yes."

"Then marry me ."


*timeskip 1 hour*

"Y/n L/n, will you marry Brent Crack and live with him and cherish him forever?"


"Are there any opposition?" The prayer said.

"Yes! I oppose! My name is Kevin Crack and I am Brent's brother. I don't want you to marry because I am in love with Y/n!"

"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b- but I -I -I I don't know you!!!!" Y/n said.

"Now you do darling please marry me instead! The last relationship my brother had ended because her girlfriend couldn't make coffee for him in the morning."

"I-I-I-I-I- is t-t-t-t- that true Brent baby?"

Brent looked down on the ground. He put a knee on the floor and looked y/n in the eyes.

"Y/n honey baby sugar, it is true but I won't ask you to do it."

"I'm so s-s-s- sorry Brent. I cannot marry you. You are such an horrible man."

And y/n ran to Kevin's arms and they kissed for 1037647229 seconds until they couldn't breath and y/n collapsed and got into coma.

Kevin took her to the hospital and the hospital gave her ice and she was now ok because she is built different.

"Now that you are out of the hospital, please consider marrying me darling sugar baby boo cutie pie cupcake."

Y/n was a blushing mess and she giggled from her 2'4 appearance. Kevin was 10'5.

"Kevinyboo baby boo b of course I will marry you!"

And then Kevin kissed her again for 19373829 second and y/n collapsed on the floor and broke her left pinky toe, her right leg, her arms and her ribcage.

They went to the hospital again and they gave her ice again and she was fine again because she is built different.

When they got out of the hospital, Kevinyboo took her in his huge ass bitch ass muscular fucking arms and pecs.

"Y/n baby boo sugar pancakes, I need to tell you something. I love you so much I would die for you."

"My kevinyboo I love you even more but I don't want you to die for me!"

"Then I would kill Brent for you!"

"You would??!!???"

"Let me prove you Y/n baby boo sugar cinnamon."

To be continued...

I hope you enjoyed it pretty people ☺️☺️☺️🥺🥺🥺🥺☺️❤️☺️🥺😭☺️❤️❤️🎄😃☺️☺️

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