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Tom's POV:

About three days had passed since I saw Maddie at the restaurant, well apart from when she and a group of others rode past me on their horses. They had all been laughing, pulling the horse round in circles, until Maddie had glanced over in my direction. She had instantly nodded to one of the other riders and the group quickly trotted off.

"Tom, are you listening to me?" Ria asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm, yeah. Sorry. I was just-eh-thinking." I replied, looking around.

"Tom what's been up with you recently? You're always 'thinking'. It's not normal for you sweetie." Ria looked into my eyes. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, no precious. I'm ok." I sighed, taking hold of her hand tightly. "Just anxious to see Bill."

Ria nodded, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Where's this bar then?" she asked, stroking my wrist.

"Just there." I pointed to the glowing sign of the bar. "Hey, I'll buy you any drink you want. My special treat."

Ria beamed up at me. "You're so sweet Tom. That's why I love you."

I chuckled, leaning down and kissing her. We walked together into the entrance of the bar, Bill was stood there, a cigarette butt in his lips. He looked up at us, a large grin spreading across his face Dropping the cigarette butt on the floor, he stepped towards us, opening his arms.

"Tom. Long time no see, hey?" he said, hugging me.

"Did you miss me little bro?" I laughed.  "C'mon, let's go in and rock this joint."

"I'll get us some more drinks." I told Bill and Ria, standing up.

Bill looked at me, slightly unhappy. He didn't like Ria, at all. She was the type of gossiping, self centred, chatty girl who wouldn't let him speak. Anyone that knew Bill, knew you had to let him speak when he wanted.

I walked to the bar, leaning against it until my order was taken. I turned around, watching people on the dance floor. There was a group of girls dancing, swaying their hips in time to the music, their hands up in the air.

One caught my eye. She was facing away from me, giving me lots of visibility to her curvy body. She had the type of hips that we're made for holding onto, the red dress she was wearing made her look better. She wasn't very tall, but still had long, smooth legs. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, the lights distorting its colour. She had two tattoos, a little pirate flaag on the back of her neck and rosary beads around her ankle.

She looked like the type of girl I used to get on tours, now I was with Ria it would be more difficult. I'd already caught me flirting several times. She didn't sleep with me for days after she had seen it, I couldn't bear that.

Maybe if I could distract her, get her to go somewhere I could get this other girl, just for one night, then I'd go back to Ria.

"Sir, your drinks."

I turned and took the three glasses back to our table, my eyes still trained on that girl. She looked weirdly familiar, the way she was moving enticing me towards her.

"What are you looking at?" Bill asked, taking a glass and turning round.

"Just-ehh. Thinking."


"The lighting. I like that colour of light. Maybe we could use it for the next tour?"

"Okay, sure." Bill frowned, looking a little confused.

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