Twenty Five

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Tom's POV:

"Scared?" I mumbled, glancing over at Maddie.

"Scared? Why would I be scared?" She replied, frowning at me. "There's no reason for me to be scared."

After what had happened the other night Maddie had convinced me into taking her to the hospital, so that she could get a proper result from a doctor on whether or not she was pregnant. 'These tests are never very accurate, after all, it only cost two dollars from the drug store' she had said, brandishing the pee stick in my face.

The whole way to the hospital we'd been in a complete, uneasy silence, neither of us sure on what to say. That's how I knew she was scared. Maddie never stopped talking unless she was upset, angry, scared or eating.

I sighed, leaning back in the uncomfortable waiting room chair. "You're scared, I can see it."

"Tom!" She hissed, turning round and glaring at me. "I'm not, okay? It's just a blood test, I am fine. Trust me."

"Alright, alright," I chuckled, resting my arm around her shoulders, "I get it, Maddie's a tough guy. I just wanted to make sure that my girl's okay."

She nodded, slumping back in her seat, leaning over and resting her head against my chest. "Sorry, I'm just stressed out."

I knew she was scared. I was scared too. The rest of our lives depended on the outcome of these blood tests. We weren't ready for a baby yet, in a few years maybe, but we were both still young. Babies take over your entire life, we still had things we wanted to do with our lives.

What would happen to our jobs? What about all the places we wanted to go, the new experiences we wanted to have? Before we have a baby we both had to be prepared to hand over the freedom we had at the moment . 

And what about the whole marriage thing? Having a baby meant that Maddie might say yes, but what if she didn't? If we did end up getting married, having a baby at the same time would be difficult. Would we plan it all before she gave birth? Would we do it after? Would we actually end up together?

I didn't know about Maddie, but I certainly wasn't ready for all that.

It seemed like we were waiting years for our names to be called out, the seconds taking as long as they possibly could, but finally a young nurse with a clipboard came through and called out 'Miss Flight, you may come through now'.

Maddie caught tight hold of my hand, standing up and practically dragging me along with her as we got led to one of the doctor's rooms.

"Good morning Miss Flight, my name is Dr Winger, please take a seat." The doctor said, inviting us into his room. "Are you here today with your husband?"

Maddie tensed up a little, not looking at me. "No, he's my boyfriend."

"Ah, well, it's good to meet you Mr?"

"Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz." I told him, reaching out and shaking his hand.

He was quite an old looking man, going slightly bald, with grainy stubble along his jaw and a thick grey mustache on his upper lip. THe had thick wire rimmed glasses propped on his nose, which looked a little crooked. Still, he seemed friendly enough.

The doctor turned to his computer, starting to type something into it, squinting through his glasses. "So, Miss Flight, I believe you're in for a blood test?"

"Yes, um you can call me Maddie, but yes." She murmured, still sounding terrified. "We just want to check on whether or not I'm pregnant. I took a test, but you know, we just wanted to be sure. I don't know how accurate those home tests are, it seemed to be best to come here."

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