Chapter 28: Anything For You

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Please read the author's note at the end! Also, I listened to Fine Line by Harry Styles the entire time I wrote this chapter if you would like some background music!

Keeley's POV

I can see why Luca was ecstatic to see his friends: these are some of the best people I've ever met. We have spent the entirety of the afternoon together walking around, talking, and window shopping, and not once did I feel as if I was out of place. 

Their relationships with each other reminded me of the ones I used to have with my own team.  Diangelo and Emile remind me of Alice and Lexi in the way they are constantly going back and forth over everything and anything. They pick apart what the other says down to the last word and use it to keep the conversation going. They argue like cats and dogs, but at the end of the day, they have a closer relationship with each other than with the rest of the group.

Fergus reminds me of Dylan in the way he interacts with everybody. He is in every conversation but is always reserved about what he says regarding himself. Fergus' laugh is contagious and his accent is thick. The thing I like most about him though is how welcome he has made me feel, like I actually fit in amongst this group of friends.

And then there's Ilaria: I would almost be jealous of her and Luca's relationship if it didn't remind me of mine and Brady's. Throughout the whole afternoon, I could sense that there was a silent understanding between the two of them. At times when talk of a certain assignment or topic came up, one of them would look at the other and make sure they're okay. Even a blind person could see how much they meant to one another. 

I was thankful that Luca had someone who understood him at that level. But, if anything, it allowed me to see how Luca feels when I sometimes choose Brady over him. I know going forward I have to open up more and be more conscious about what I say and do, yet I can't get over the fact that Luca is more than likely keeping something from me like I am him.

"Keels? You ready?" I heard Luca shout from the living room portion of our hotel suite. 

Dinner had passed with laughter and rounds of drinks and the sun had long since set. The group had decided to go for a midnight swim in the private pool they had reserved. If it were anyone else, the idea of a midnight swim in an isolated pool with great people would sound like a great idea. But considering my history with water and drowning, I was not looking forward to it.

Luca and I had talked for a long time when we got back to the room. It baffles me how understanding and courteous he can be. He reassured me a thousand times over that I did not have to go, and even if I did, never would I have to get into the water if I didn't want to. I could tell Luca felt bad, and he even offered to stay behind.

But I promised myself something on this trip. I promised that this would be the new start of our relationship, and that I would not let my past or my fears stop me from loving Luca. This meant stepping out of my safety bubble and being more willing to try new things.

By the end of our conversation, I had decided that I would go, and while I would more than likely not swim, I would sit by and maybe even let my legs dangle into the pool. 

I gazed in the mirror, and never in a million years did I ever think I would be in a swimsuit again, much less the one I'm wearing. Aubrey had forced me to buy it when we went shopping some time ago "just in case." I was not comfortable at all in the black scraps, but considering this whole trip was last minute, I didn't have time to buy a new swimsuit.

It had a typical bikini top except for the fact it felt ten times smaller on me and the bottoms were cheekier than any pair of underwear I think I even own. My skin was bruised from earlier, but the bruises only reminded me of my victory over Luca, so I guess they were okay. I was just slipping on a jacket when I saw Luca walking in the door through the reflection on the mirror.

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