chapter one: The old ladys in my head send me to summer camp

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Percy's POV

So today was pretty normal. Well, normal for a day in my life. Witch i can't remember. So ya, Back up 3 months to when i wake up in the middle of central park, with no memory. Ya. I know. Totally awesome. I love being me. I defiantly don't wish i was a normal 14 year old. Not a 14 year kid with amnesia, a bunch of weapons, and monsters lining up to get a piece of me.  Oh, did i forget to mention the voices in my head? Ya, i got 3 old ladies that sit in my head, knit yarn, and tell me to to stuff some times. They told me everything i know, so i guess i kind trust them. they could be liars, but i guess i should a least listen to them? Well today, the old ladys decided to speak again. They haven't done that since my 8th day, after finishing telling me everything about the Gods and stuff. 

"It's time young savior" the one in the middle said 

Its weird. They always call me 'young savior', but refuse to tell me why

"time for what?" i asked them 

"For you to make your way to your destiny. your Fate, young savior."said lefty

When she said this, righty snipped a thread. I don't know why, but i shivered as she did this

"you will know the way..."

"but for now..."

"Don't forget that you are the only one truly free. Nothing can hold you back." 

And with that, they dispersed into mist and vanished. But some how, just like Lefty said, i knew the way, and somehow knew that it was a camp for demigods, and a half horse dude and the god of drunks run it. 

[time skip]

So i made it. at around 11:30, 17 hours later I found this hill with a big tree. I admit i took awhile, but in my defense, i was attacked by a couple hundred monsters on the way, and there was a pink poodle that i said Hi to, and i got arrested for stealing some bitches Ferrari... But i made it! But then old beef head just had to ruin the mood. I've already killed him, like, 6 times, but he won't stay dead. I'm pretty sure that's not normal... Stupid ADHD! Focus! He charged me, but i just jumped and landed on his shoulders. i could have just use one of my weapons, but i had an audience. I just had to give them a show! There was about 20 demigods watching. Most looked scared, but some seemed to be in shock. I made eye contact with a girl with spiky black hair. I felt a weird feeling, something I've never felt in the 3 months that i can remember. The beefy bitch almost threw me off, so i focused on him, and gave the kids something to talk about. I smirked as i ripped off one horn, and then back flipped away. I gripped the horn like a knife, and braced as he charged. i held my smirk and he ran right into his own horn. 

"Wow Beefy boy! killed again! you know, we should get a drink next time you come! but go ahead and stay dead a while."

i turned and faced the crowd and their shocked faces. I picked up my white backpack. As i walked past, i tossed the horn to a random kid.

"here. I've already got a couple."

I just walked over to a half horse dude i assumed  was Chiron

"Was up Horsey? Where's The wine dude? Nvm, i bet he's in the big house. Wanna play Poker? or spades. i like spades."

He didn't answer, so i slapped him. Don't judge. I mean, hey, im used to the stares, I've been arrested at about 40 times? or was it fifty... anyways, they were in shock way to long. like they never saw a 14 year old kid jump on a Minotaur, break 1 of his horns with 1 hand, back flip off, and then stab him with it?  I wasn't even showing off! if i was- STUPID ADHD! Back on topic, Chiron snapped out of his shock

"so i'll see you for spades on Friday, got it Horsey?"


"See Horsey!"

After my little 'chat' with Chiron, i started to head into camp when i was hit it the head by something HARD, and i swear i heard horsey yell something, but it all went black.

So how was it? I know that its short, but i wanted to give Percy a dramatic entrance, and give a little drama with the fates talking in his head. I also tried to show that this Percy has a serious problem with rules, and authority, so i plan on having so drama with certain Dramatic king of the gods... 


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