Paper boats.

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On days when there is rain
I try to fashion a paper boat
And make it float
On the running streams

I write my name, my city
In big black letters
Along with quotes from my books
And smile as I imagine
Someone, from a place
Far off from mine
Picking up this boat,
And if not recognising the quote,
Being filled with envy and wonder
Over who could have written
Such beautiful lines.

I make another boat,
Filling it with memories this time,
A dried rose, a doll's shoe
And pray
That my memories will be safe
At the crack of dawn
Pondered over by girls my age
As they would pick up
The shoe and make their dolls wear it
And giggle
As they fight over the rose.

I now make myself a third boat
This time, keeping it empty
For the paper from which I make it
Is a letter,
From a lover.
Not of mine, of course
But one of someone close to me

I then make it float
On the running stream
And hope
That my secret finds safety
In a beautiful land
Of flowers and butterflies
That small hands will pick it up,
Handing it over to their elders
And they will smile over the letter.

So, that's it! I really hope you guys like it :) please let me know your thoughts in the comments down below, so I can improve! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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