Chapter Two

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Sunset squeezed Twilight's hand.
Just looking at the portal cause her to feel angst."You're ready?" Sunset look at the portal then back at Twilight. Her expression was between determination and seriousness.
She nod her head and the two enter the portal. The feeling was very sicking, far worst than any roller coaster she been on. Her eyes are close shut, She had let go of Twilight's hand to hold her own stomach. Her body stretch and shrunk. She felt her body changing as she turn in spirals.

She expect to land on a hard floor, but instead she land on something soft. It's so soft she nuzzled it more.
Not only it's soft but it smells good like lavender-"Uh Sunset."Her blue eyes open wide. She lift her head, noticing the purple Alicorn is below her. A blush spread her muzzle-
She hope off already use to her hooves. She examine herself.
Her old hooves! Oh how she missed them."I'm my old self!"She shouted, happily prancing around the area.
She jump in the air, loving the feeling of her hooves. A giggling reach her pony ears, she stop prancing and stare at the giggling Alicorn.

"Hey don't you giggle at me!"Sunset shouted with a smile. For the first time she isn't upset that someone, or in this case somepony, is giggling at her. In fact she likes the sound of Twilight giggles."I'm sorry sunset-but I never seen you so excited before- it's kinda..."The Alicorn's hoof lay on her lip as she's thinking of a word."It's kinda adorable." Sunset chuckle nervously with a faint blush. She shook her head."The one who's adorable is you Sparkle." It was the Alicorn turn to blush. She never been called adorable before, well many adore her but that's because she's a princess. But it's Sunset saying it, and for some reason it feels not weird nor strange, but- Glah! She can't progress what the feeling is."Why do you think I'm adorable?"

This question was enough to make Sunset's mind to spiral... Why does she think Twilight adorable?
Is it the way she smiles? Perhaps it's the way her giggles sound like? Or that's just was just born to be adorable? Sunset is unsure how to replied. She look around her area, anything to change the topic... She start noticing her surroundings. This isn't the Crystal Empire nor Celestia's Castle. Is there a new castle she does not know? "Where are we?"She ask the princess in front of her.

The princess smile cheekily. "Well this is my castle." The Unicorn's mouth drop to the ground. But it soon turn to a smirk. "Well, Well, Princess Sparkle has her own very Castle." She began to circle the Alicorn."So how many ponies has ask you out?" Twilight let out a laugh with a small blush."Why would you think ponies would ask me out?" Sunset stop circling the princess. She smile, rolling her eyes. "Quit being so humble. Seriously you're a princess."Sunset said. Her eyes trailed to the ground,"You're adore by many ponies, hay even humans adore you. It must be nice to know ponies care and like you."

Twilight trot closer to sunset, placing a hoof on her back."I'm flatter that ponies adore me but I honestly could careless what a bunch of ponies think. Beside, I know who are my true friends who like me for me."Twilight said."Don't feel like nopony care or like you because I care and like you Shimmer." Sunset instantly wrap her hooves around Twilight neck, giving her a big hug. Twilight with a smile she nicely return the hug. When they pulled apart, they stare in each other eyes, the feeling between was strange yet felt a warm comfort in it. Sunset couldn't breath, but she didn't really mind. It's really nice of Twilight doing these things for her.

"I-I have a starswirl the bearded book I haven't read yet, do you want to read it with me?"Twilight ask, looking away from Sunset.
Then unicorn smirk and says,"What! Twilight the book worm hasn't read a Starswirl The Bearded book?"Twilight rolled her eyes, a smile pasta on her muzzle. "Sure I'll read with you." Sunset swore she could see a star shine in Twilight eyes. "Great! We could read in my room." Twilight said. Walking towards her room with Sunset following her.


Second Chapter Woot! Woot!

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