Over Soul!

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As the group were at a spot near town "ah isn't this a nice spot Amidamaru?" Yoh asked while laying down next to him "what's with the long face? You feel'n okay?" Yoh asked "you see I was just thinking about the upcoming shaman fight" he says.

"Yeah I'm also thinking of that too" Mio said "I need to get stronger" she says "you two were thinking about it too?" Yoh said "yep" the two said at the same time "I've grown a lot stronger lord Yoh are integration goes more smoothly and there's a better stance of unity" Amidamaru said.

"But as a ghost I will never get stronger as I am currently, will I be enough to bring you victory?" He says "that's all that has been bothering you?" Yoh says "what do you mean that's all!" Amidamaru shouted.

"Well you don't need to worry about it now" Yoh said "please you should probably stop being so apathetic" Amidamaru says "the path I was meant to take huh? Me being apathetic honestly don't see any value about the unknown" you said.

"I think it's more important to live in the present and what's most meaningful to you" he said "lord Yoh..." He said "we'll be fine and do whatever it takes Amidamaru I'm sure everything will work out!" Yoh said with a smile on his face.

"Hahahaha I see so that is really your opinion on what an over soul should be?" Silva said "how interesting" he said "your the street bander from earlier!" Yoh said as Mio kept her guard up along with Shiko "heyy" he says.

"What in the world are you doing here?" Yoh asked "if you want to know the truth I just followed you and your friend" he said while Yoh and Amidamaru stand up "I'm Silva of the patch tribe and in the fight selection committee" he said "they look like animal ghost but somethings different" Yoh said.

"Of course they aren't there his familiars" Mio said "so princess of-" Silva was cutted off by Mio "don't you dare say anything!" She said glaring at him "of course your highness" he said looking straight at her.

"Did you say your highness?" Yoh asked
"can we talk about this later Yoh?" Mio asks "yeah okay" Yoh said "I will be running your shaman fight qualification test" Silva said "did he say test?" Yoh said "yep" Mio said.

"And my familiars will be assisting me" Silva explained "the rules are quite simple all you have to do is land a single blow on me, you mange to do that and only then will you be eligible to participate in the shaman fight" he explained.

"Well I'm going first of course" Mio said while glancing at Shiko he just nodded his head "Shiko! Snake Integrate!" As she summons Snakes (that is Shiko just transformed as a snake, also the picture up there at the top) and her eyes turn red.

"Come forth snake's of Medusa her self!" Mio shouted as bunch of snakes attacked Silva's body he was soon whimpering in defeat "you win your highness" he said as the snakes disappear and her eyes back to blue (she was able to beat me so easily..she must have trained hard) Silva thought.

"My lady we have to get home now" Shiko said "of course! Well see you later Yoh-kun!" Mio said walking away from the said person "bye Mio! Take care" Yoh shouted at the white haired girl.

"Wait your highness I haven't gave you this yet!" Silva shouted at the girl "o-oh! Gomenasai!" She shouted soon speed walking over to Silva and he gave her the watch now the girl left.

"Amidamaru! Spirit flame mode!" Yoh yelled "let's give this guy a taste of what we can do!" Yoh said determined to win as Yoh slashed at Silva it was useless though it didn't injure him at all as You jumped in the air and charged straight at Silva, Silva easily shielded it with his arm "you can't beat me like this" Silva said "he..he blocked it!" Amidamaru said shocked "his turtle became a shield!" Yoh said "that's correct this is my turtle now let me introduce to you all the other spirits that protect me" he said "silver horn" he said as Yoh was knocked to the ground "silver tail..go!" He said running at Yoh who is still in the air "now it's your turn help him silver rod" Silva says "what the heck is going on here spirits are supposed to be able to block a sword better then grab and touch things how come your's can?!" Yoh shouted a little bit annoyed "it's simple I have materialized them all with my power" he said calmly.

As You won his fight against Silva he got a watch it told him when he meets the shaman he is supposed to fight.

With Mio
As Mio was walking home a bunch of guys jumped her she got ready and she was shocked to hear them say "your highness we beg you to come back to Egypt!" They say "no" she said but one of them grabbed her wrist "let me go!" She shouted "I am sorry your highness please stop struggling!" One them said.

"Didn't you hear the lady? She said let go" a voice said and immediately the guys were frozen solid and a guy with white hair came out and said "are you alright?" He asks "I'm fine thanks btw my name is Mio Tomiko you?" She asks.

"Name's Horohoro!" He said "wait are you a shaman?" He asks "yeah I am" Mio said "cool! A new shaman friend" Horohoro said with a smile "well hope we see each other again Horohoro!" She said waving at the boy.

"She was so pretty!" Horohoro said.

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