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       Hello My Lovely's! How are you? And what are you planning for the weekend? But anyways let's get started!

As it was still night Yoh, Lyserg, and Mio we're near the X-Laws ship where Lyserg now stayed with the X-Laws "I'm glad to see you it's been awhile that we have talked I guess" Yoh said as Mio nodded "it's been for to long.." Lyserg said "you doing ok?" Mio asks looking at Lyserg instead of the sea "I'm doing fine, thanks for asking" Lyserg said "I see I'm glad to also hear that well! We gotta go and catch some sleep!" Yoh said as Mio said "he's right I'm a pretty lazy person sometimes and I hate when I don't sleep" "what now?" Lyserg questioned.

As Yoh went to the ground and picked up Harusame "as long as your alright that is the only thing that matters" Yoh said "he's right I'm still on edge with you...but I still consider us friends.." Mio said smiling a tad bit as Lyserg looked at her with hope in his eyes "goddess!" Lyserg said "wasn't it hard to find this place?" Lyserg questioned "we just ended up finding it but it was mostly Shiko and Amidamaru" Yoh said as he scratched his neck as Shiko appears beside Mio and Amidamaru does the same "Shiko my friend how are you?" Amidamaru said "you look different then before?" Amidamaru said "I'm alright my friend I've just been getting myself more powerful as I was away from Lady Mio but it dearly concerned me to be away from Lady Mio for such a long time.." Shiko said with a sad expression.

"Awh! Shiko! Well I want you to meet Lyserg!" Mio said cheerfully Shiko turned his eyes to Lyserg "nice to meet you Lyserg..but..never come to close to Lady Mio or I'll cut your finger off" Shiko said now glaring at Lyserg who flinches "Shiko! Stop it! Your scaring him!" Mio said "sorry Lady Mio" Shiko said "there's no reason to get worked up or you'll wake "everyone" up!" Lyserg said "who?" Yoh asks "everyone from X-Laws are inside the ship we have a standing rule to never venture out alone there could be dangerous creatures or monsters" Lyserg said.

"Oh right! I didn't mean to cause any trouble" Yoh said "but you did it to see me I can't ignore that" Lyserg says "I also have something I want to say to you guys as well" Lyserg said "say to us?" Mio and Yoh said at the same time "I wanted to apologize for the longest time you two did so much for me when we were back in America but in the end I couldn't explain anything and I feel like I betrayed you guys my feelings waver around all of you and that's what terrifies me" Lyserg said "that isn't anything to apologize about right Amidamaru?" Yoh said "right" Amidamaru said "Shiko?" Yoh said "Yoh's not wrong" Shiko says "see we all forgive you! Right Mio?" Yoh says "I forgive the guy I won't blame him" Mio replies.

"You guys are the best" Lyserg said but Yoh noticed a bruise on his collarbone "were gonna head out before Anna gets upset and Mio starts staying up at night watching anime again!" Yoh said "oh shush!" Mio said as the two walk away from Lyserg Mio and him were suddenly stopped by the X-Laws "stop right there! Not another step!" Marco said as he pulled out his silver gun "Marco!" Lyserg said surprised "Lyserg Diethel a good boy should be around asleep by 8pm your a naughty boy" Marco said as he slapped Lyserg hard on the cheek.

"Lyserg!" Mio and Yoh shouted MIO quickly took out her bow and arrow and pointed it at Marco (yeah guys Mio got an upgrade on weapons! She still has her sword but she mostly uses a bow and arrow now)  "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Marco said "why not what you gonna do about it?" Mio says glaring at him "My goddess!" Lyserg said as Marco looked at him once he said "My goddess!" "Why are you calling this girl a goddess Lyserg!" Marco says gritting his teeth "oh shut it! Muffin head!" Mio says still pointing the arrow at him Mio was about to shoot but Yoh held her back.

"Wth! Yoh?" Mio questioned "we don't want to cause to many problems" Yoh answers as Mio sighs and put her how and arrow down "fine Panda-kun" she said as Yoh blushed a bit "you two must be one of Hao's Minions!" Marco says "no need for that Marco in hai match earlier the mana he displayed was peaceful and calm with purity plus this girl as well" The Iron Maiden said "Yoh Asakura and Mio Tomiko is hardly a menace" Jeanne says "It's the Iron Maiden!" Amidamaru said his hand still on his blade "I beg your forgiveness my lady but these two individuals defended Hao's Minion they have countless interfered with our brand of justice!" Marco said "lower your gun Marco this behavior your being very rude to a friend we should be accommodating our friends, friends they came all the way out here to see our colleague Lyserg we should be welcoming the two with open arms as one of us!" Jeanne says.

"What did she say!!" All the X-Laws shouted in surprise "surely the Maiden is joking is it wise to reveal her majesty to outsiders?" Marco says unsure "calm yourself Marco and yes I am being quite serious there Mana level is more then enough to join us! Just take a look the two have not wavered in the slightest over this commotion" Jeanne says "but the boys lazy! And the girl is to stubborn and has an attitude!" Marco exclaimed "what do you think Yoh Asakura and Mio Tomiko?" The Iron Maiden asks "well thanks for the invitation but no thanks" Mio responded first "yeah I agree with Mio I also don't like how you do things" Yoh said agreeing with Mio.

"Yoh don't!" Lyserg says "oh..is that so? It saddens me to hear that.." Jeanne says "you idiot!" Marco says pointing the gun at Yoh and Mio "I'll handle this Mio just stand back and watch!" Yoh said with a small smile on his face "alright but next time I'm doing it" she says "Bet!" Yoh's says as he has already integrated with Amidamaru and was in front of Marco "this is exactly why I don't like you guys" Yoh said "that's enough! Even you would find it difficult to battle him this is most unfortunate some day soon we will be able to pass judgement on him and his life" Jeanne says.

"Seriously it's not healthy to keep getting worked up all the time welp! Have a goodnight Iron Maiden!" Yoh says as he walked away he called Mio "Mio! You coming?" "Y-yeah I'm coming" she shouted back and chased after the boy (that girl I know her somehow? Wait...from my information is she!) Jeanne thought shocked.

as three girls were in the middle of the stadium they were Hao's followers "this is so boring!" A girl said with blonde hair "what else were you expecting Marianne?" The orange girl said "well that's great you get them both barrels your bored but we didn't get to do anything" a older girl said with blue hair "I'm sorry Cana there so creepy!" The Marianne said "yeah! They totally were!" The orange girl said as they were referring to there opponents that are now unconscious "it doesn't matter the sooner we get this over the sooner the real fun can get started" Cana said "the real fun? That sound exciting!" The orange haired girl said "didn't you hear Opachos prediction today? About the next match? Were you not paying attention? Mattie?" Cana says "Team Flower quickly obliterated the other team I'm not even shocked! For what happened at Mach speed the match already ended as soon as it began!" The Announcer said.

(Words- 1398!)

Also I will continue the other half of the episode tomorrow or next week! Bye and take care!

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