pilot; how to scare away your date

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"you can take the wigs and sunglasses off now, i know it's you guys." huang renjun defeatedly huffed, his frustrated glare boring into his painfully obvious disguised friends. the bright synthetic hair was practically already sliding off their heads.

the trio feigned ignorance as if they didn't stick out like a sore thumb within the cafe, to begin with.

lowering his voice, na jaemin lifted his newspaper higher up to conceal his face "i'm sorry do i know you?" he scoffed "you know this guy?"

he lightly nudged the girl beside him, who was distracted by her itchy mustache. with gritted teeth, jaemin repeated his question nudging her harder.

"yes!" she answered immediately "i mean yes we are strangers, what about you yangya- um friend." her monotone acting made renjun more unimpressed by the second.

"yeah you don't know us and we don't know you renjun." liu yangyang added only to ruin the already failing act, earning annoyed groans from the other two.

"dude are you serious, you had one job. this is why we didn't want to bring you along." ha yubin groaned, yanking the wig off her head.

"that's not my fault, you're the one who distracted me. how do you still look hot with facial hair?" he complained, lowering his sunglasses for a clear image of her.

"jaemin can you sit in the middle of us please, yangyang is being weird again."

"who is this jaemin you speak of-
the bunny boy was unable to finish his sentence when the newspaper was forcibly snatched from his hands. the writhing anger within the chinese boy eventually snapped after observing a minuscule detail.

"you even cut out eye holes?" renjun seethed, the newspaper crumbling in his hands.

"hey don't .. that's my grandpas he needs it back- you know what, you keep it." he mumbled

he pelted the crumpled ball of paper at his face, knocking off his fake stick-on mole

"how did you even know it was us?" yangyang questioned, convinced his costume was completely fool proof.

"you literally posted your disguise on your story with the cafe location on." he explained.

plus the only people who'd wear pink wigs and trench coats in a cafe were definitely his friends.

"no way." he shook his head "i forgot you were on my close friends."

the other two mumbled cursed under their breath over their friend's stupid actions

"why are you guys even here?"

"definitely not to watch your date with maya. she's hotter than her pics, not hotter than you though yubin. i'm a loyal man." yangyang once again spilled their secrets.

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