touch me, tease me, feel me up

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(it's a little mature here)

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(it's a little mature here)

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it was just another movie night between yubin and jeno. a cherished tradition that began in their childhood, only to return upon their reunion.

a tradition where they simply watched trashy or favourite movies with heaps of junk food and the occasional cuddling. it was a weekly thing every friday as a celebration for getting through the gruelling week.

her delicately decorated room was dimly lit with only night lights, and the large projector screen illuminated the space.

the night started out with yubin's favourite movie. a classic. cinderella story.

the best friends were snuggled together. her head nuzzling upon his chest with his fingers drumming upon her shoulder like usual.

in an outburst, jeno angrily pointed at the screen, yelling at the characters.

"that guy is stupid. She looks the same even with her mask on. how can he not recognise her."

"it's because boys are stupid," yubin said, throwing the popcorn into her mouth.

"Does that include me?" he leaned into her, awaiting her response.

she shrugged smugly. "sometimes."

"Oh yeah?" he raised an eyebrow, grinning mischievously, his hands finding their way to her waist to relentlessly tickle her. "is this dumb enough for you."

yubin let out an uncontrollable giggle at the mercy of his fingers.

"Hey, Samoyed, this is not fair!" She squealed and fell onto her back, trying to push him away despite his monstrous strength. jeno followed, tilting above her, enjoying her priceless reaction.

"you want me to stop?"

The girl continued to giggle, unable to utter a single word. She grasped at his shoulders, trying to escape from his stubborn grip.

"you're so mean."

"come on, that's not a yes or no," he said teasingly.

"yes, please, please stop," she begged.

jeno took mercy on her, halting his entertaining torture. Their laughter gradually faded as they realised the precarious situation they had gotten themselves into.

yubin held her breath, beholding her best friend's boyish, handsome face, which was only inches away. his sharp nose gently brushing against hers. He hovered above her, his broad shoulders casting a shadow upon her.

She could only focus on his large, warm hands, gently placed on either side of her waist. amidst their tickle fight, one hand ventured beneath her shirt, fingers delicately brushing against her skin, sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine.

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